Having just been in the random competition arenas, I was in a team of people who actually tried to coordinate the battle.
One member in particular did not follow instructions well.
At one point during the long (VERY long, enemy team was heavily defensive), the self-appointed leader (wa/mo) was giving him a simple instruction to do upon resurrection, "Run over to the marked location on the radar" (In less words).
Instead, every time he was resurrected, he attempted to use various other skills and stood in place.
After a few times, the other 2 members of our team proceeded to berate him, calling him names like 'idiot'.
All it took was a few questions to realize he didn't understand the definition of Run very well, and was confusing it with the run buff skills. From there, I asked if his native language was English, and he replied no, and that he was French. (Would never have guessed, seeing as he typed just like any AoL'er playing GW)
He followed up by apologizing for misunderstanding things, though I insisted that it was no problem.
Assuming that everyone else thinks like you, or knows the same things you do is too much. We are all unique individuals brought up from an amazingly diverse set of cultures, and we all learn different things in our upbringing, to the extreme, different languages.
Being mildly autistic , I can especially relate to people speaking the same physical language, and yet, at the same time, speaking 2 different ones.
What I'm trying to say is, there're some great people out there who can do amazing things. Or at least a lot better than you might give them credit for otherwise. Talking a little, asking a few questions, and genuinely listening to them can really bring the best out in anyone.
As for what a native french speaker is doing on the US servers, I can't presume to know. Never pried that much. Could be anything from moving with some friends to the servers, to immigrating. In the end, it doesn't really matter. As the Statue of Liberty does, so should we all welcome people to our realms, open arms. Except the botters, they can be banninated <_<
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the game, whether you see yourself as surrounded by idiots or not.
Reminder; We share our realm with a vast melting pot of people
Mercury Angel
type /clap *
I think the matter of concern is communication indeed, but on a different scale, from personal experience. I often find that the worst cause for miscommunication is the loud, vocal player who really has no idea what he's talking about, but is steadfast in his belief that his flawed ideas are right, and won't listen to others no matter what.
Often, people WILL follow calls. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, the wrong calls are made, or there isn't one reliable caller doing all the work. This can lead to a breakdown of communication faster than anything can.
And, the language barrier can sometimes be overcome by map drawings and pinging. (Pings do get translated, so they will understand who you're attacking)
Often, people WILL follow calls. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, the wrong calls are made, or there isn't one reliable caller doing all the work. This can lead to a breakdown of communication faster than anything can.
And, the language barrier can sometimes be overcome by map drawings and pinging. (Pings do get translated, so they will understand who you're attacking)
Very, very true.
Very, very true.
And yet, the most annoying thing that can happen is to be in a group where two or three speak a language you don't know (this is on the US server).
I recall one occasion where we had a german on our team who straightup said his english wasn't any good, and me and him proceeded to speak in german until we had a full team, then swapped over to whispering each other in german while using english for the team. meant that the team could understand each other.
so it's always a good idea to point out that english isn't your native language when in a group on the US server.
I recall one occasion where we had a german on our team who straightup said his english wasn't any good, and me and him proceeded to speak in german until we had a full team, then swapped over to whispering each other in german while using english for the team. meant that the team could understand each other.
so it's always a good idea to point out that english isn't your native language when in a group on the US server.
There is no US server
Yeah? I agree with you completely. In the mean team: **** that ****. Well, I won't be saying that.... Just most people. The only thing I disagree with in your post, is
wtf is a w/mo doing leading your pvp team?
wtf is a w/mo doing leading your pvp team?
Oh god.. shows I paid attention, meant the American one.