"Look out for the trap dummy!" - Shout
Cost 5, Recharge 20? 30?
Based on Wilderness survival; this shout reveals all traps in the area (to your team) for 4+Wilderness? seconds. This skill has a 50% chance of failure per trap with Wilderness less than 7.
Alternately: This skill has a 50%+4% per level of reveal each trap in an area. (yes, it goes over 100, that's fine - once you have a 13 Wilderness you shouldn't be walking into traps anyway)
Could be useful for showing your team where you've laid traps, or for showing them where enemies (PvE or PvP) have trapped. After all, you're a master ranger right? You should be able to actually help people avoid traps too...
New ranger skill
nicky nightmare
lol how many times those darned ranger traps killed me because i couldnt see em looks good to me.....
Well most of the time only 'dummies' step on them lol
Como Fort
When the place is trapped to hell the last thing you want is having to start spamming heal party...
When the place is trapped to hell the last thing you want is having to start spamming heal party...
Sister Rosette
Change it to 'It's a Trap!' and I'll /singed this.

Or, "Snakes. Why does it HAVE to be snakes!"
LOL nice idea

No no no. Absolutely no way.
Traps are traps. They are easily interrupted and don't last forever. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to beat them.
Traps are traps. They are easily interrupted and don't last forever. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to beat them.