sWAY, suicide when played right

Countess Sophie

Countess Sophie

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Iway FTL, beat in 39 seconds


Another win, 36 seconds with a nice o-chart


How you beat relic maps:


And finally Halls ftw:


The only 2 things left alive on the enitre map were yellows ghostly, and our ghostly.
Then due to our "careful" planning, our ghost just happened to be on the altar when everone bit the dust :P

captain velron

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lionheart Covenant


Im so jealous Sophie, I've been wanting to do a suicide group forever. I hate you!!!! /rude

Neutral Tyrant

Neutral Tyrant

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

New York


Being that I'm fairly new to Tombs in particular, what exactly does a suicide group do?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


[NES] Nintendo Powered


You can tell from looking at his skillbar / screenshots. The Me/N's are running useful domination skills like Energy Surge, Backfire etc with Death Nova. They run multiple Superior runes to get low hp. And of course, they use Spirit of Extinction to help drop groups quickly. Spirit does dmg each time a player dies, so it is likely to cause a chain reaction of deaths in conjunction with Death Nova.

But anyway, this looks exactly like the build a European guild used vs my tombs group. We foolishly tried a to do ward / healing ball at first and lost. But we destroyed them the next two times we paired up against them




Join Date: Aug 2005

dayton ohio


looks like they are using illusion of weakness so they dont go down with everyone else when the shit hits the fan

Nawn Centz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Tombs of Primeval Kings.


Like no one else in the world has ever ran an EoE build before.

One and Two

One and Two

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Its called an edge bomb. Read the skill description. Then, figure out what happens when seven of your team dies.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Chicago, IL

Rebel Rising [rawr]

Nah, sWAY doesn't sound that cool DieWAY, on the other hand... >.>

Countess Sophie

Countess Sophie

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Nawn Centz
Like no one else in the world has ever ran an EoE build before. Uhh whoever said I was the first to do it? Maybe you should figure out the intent of this thread first before criticizing?
I've ran into many EoE bomb groups in my time and never lost once to them. So now we decided to run it with a twist, and improve upon it...
Obviously we did something right because we won 6 concec, beat a top 30 guild and won halls. I was excited so i posted some screenies.
I'm simply sharing my excitement with others and of course some sweet o-charts and funny ass wins.
If you have nothing better to do with your time than flame me in a thread you didnt even have to open, that's pretty sad.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005


Tropical Skittles [tS]


=O Nice

Signet of Humility

Signet of Humility

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

I Think I've Seen You Guys Before..



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


That has got to be the rudest thing I've ever seen.

Lag Hell

Lag Hell

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

nice ownage there...
[mentally, physically, spastically unstable]

Draygo Korvan

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by BBoy_Manchild
looks like they are using illusion of weakness so they dont go down with everyone else when the shit hits the fan no, they drop their max hp lower than illusion of weakness would allow. So it takes off all your HP and you die.

Countess Sophie

Countess Sophie

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Signet of Humility
I Think I've Seen You Guys Before.. Hex Appeal and I ran into you in halls with the 6 henchies



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Brutananadelweski clan


and when played wrong all the mesmers cast on the monk with spell breaker on and then the water ele has some fun!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


lol that was one of my guys doing the Iway on you. lol I heard about it the next day, going OMG OMG OMG I saw a killer build last night. lol good job guys..



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Chicago, IL

Rebel Rising [rawr]

LoL I just ran into this build, whether it was you guys or not I'm not sure, but we just interrupted the EoE and they really didn't know what to do from then on. Precious.

Countess Sophie

Countess Sophie

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

yea wasnt us :P

we ran it again today and got another uber fast win, but a few of our members had some lag problems so had to stop




Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005


Honorary Brethren


DieWAY *better name as said above* wouldnt work very well agenst the countering "HB Type-D Build", its strickly adrenalin with some hidden secrets i rather not share since its my Guilds #4 Costomized Build lol


Countess Sophie

Countess Sophie

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by hobo13
and when played wrong all the mesmers cast on the monk with spell breaker on and then the water ele has some fun!
1 - we're never all on same target
2 - it's easy to say you'd pre-arecast a spell breaker on someone because you see how our build works.
But in combat do you really think you'd randomly cast a 45 sec recharge spell on only 1/8 of your chars, hoping they might pick that person out prior to combat?
3 - i can see a spell breaker a mile away
4 - why would the water ele have a field day? we suicide anyways....

Quote: Originally Posted by ElXtronic
DieWAY *better name as said above* wouldnt work very well agenst the countering "HB Type-D Build", its strickly adrenalin with some hidden secrets i rather not share since its my Guilds #4 Costomized Build lol

www.HonoraryBrethren.tk Unless everyone in your party starts the battle with 0 mana, and no regen there's not much you can do.
If everyone in your party has vital blessing AND endure pain then yes, you've defeated our build.
Some builds run life barrier which can be a pest, but as soon as the guy takes the damage from the surges all the barriers go away.
But please don't turn this thread into a "my build is better than yours because:"
DieWAY is a hit or miss situation every time, you win some and you lose some.
But it's always fast paced, that's why I love it. And some crappy team called us hackers :P which doesnt happen often in GW.

captain velron

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lionheart Covenant


The fast paced action of the build is sooo much fun, its by far the most fun tombs build ive ever run, and I've run just about everything possible. The best one was when our energy surge spike killed some ppl then it started the chain reaction off edge and we didnt even have to kil ourselves, just strait up killed everyone from the surge spike.

Another fun factor of the build the way we run it is the confusion. People see 8 pets and are like....wtf kind of build is this. lol

Nawn Centz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Tombs of Primeval Kings.


Lol, I didn't flame you. I just said you aren't the first to come in here and post that you have ran a successful EoE build. Sure every group that tries it doesnt do a good job, but you are most definately not the first to post EoE screenies that have owned alot of people. Fallback.

Countess Sophie

Countess Sophie

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Nawn Centz
... but you are most definately not the first to post EoE screenies that have owned alot of people... And your point is? Are you trying to drag me down? Make my post less viable? At least my thread has a purpose unlike your posts.
It's as if I came into your next thread and said "the sky is blue". Big deal... thank you captain obvious.
I'm not trying to sound like a bastard here, but seriously there is no need for those types of comments.

Pure Evil

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005


nawn u ever hear the saying dont say anything if u dont have something nice to say these would be one of those times



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


i love the score chart on the relic run...i can just imagine everyone getting mad cause they keep respawning XD



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

I ran into an Edge bomb group recently, for the first time (i'm still kinda new to the tombs). Wow, did that take me by surprise, lol.

Nawn Centz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Tombs of Primeval Kings.


Lol, whatever. This is like me making a post 5 minutes from now saying that I just won HoH with an IWAY build. Seeing as how theres tons and tons of people that have done it with an IWAY build, I dun see the point in bragging about doing it again. That's all I'm saying.

Countess Sophie

Countess Sophie

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

wow.... like i said before, you obviously dont see the purpose or intent of this thread.
No one is bragging! Go complain about crap somewhere else. How could I possibly be bragging about something that involves a lot of luck?
Like i said in my previous post, u think im bragging so you're tryin to shut me down and say its not a big deal.
Who the hell cares?? Either way its a bunch of flippin sweet screenies that other people seem to enjoy.
Just let it go and do something positive for a change. I could care less if you made a post about winning halls with iway, so dont bother this thread please.
Just drop it, cause im done.

Pure Evil

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005



captain velron

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lionheart Covenant


Originally Posted by Countess Sophie
wow.... like i said before, you obviously dont see the purpose or intent of this thread.
No one is bragging! Go complain about crap somewhere else. How could I possibly be bragging about something that involves a lot of luck?
Like i said in my previous post, u think im bragging so you're tryin to shut me down and say its not a big deal.
Who the hell cares?? Either way its a bunch of flippin sweet screenies that other people seem to enjoy.
Just let it go and do something positive for a change. I could care less if you made a post about winning halls with iway, so dont bother this thread please.
Just drop it, cause im done. PWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!