The cutting edge of cookie... cutters..



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

San Diego, CA

Penguin Village


My brother has a warrior monk, and I finally convinced him to take an elite. This was his skillbar before:

16 Axe
10 Strength
8 Healing

Cyclone Axe
Vigorous Spirit
Executioner's Strike
Dolyak Signet
Penetrating Blow
Balthazar's Spirit
Live Vicariously

I got him to do his second attribute quest, and we capped Defy Pain together. This is what he's running now.

15 Strength
14/12 Axe
5+1 Tactics
6/9 Healing
leftover in Smiting for extra adrenaline gain?

Defy Pain {E}
Dolyak Signet
Watch Yourself!
Live Vicariously
Vigorous Spirit
Cyclone Axe
Balthazar's Spirit

Not much for ground breaking originality, but it's a tank. It's easy to keep up a constant +80 armor, and you heal yourself with the standard vig/live/cyclone combo. Flurry gives you enough adrenaline to keep up a constant Watch Yourself! and Defy Pain.

Note the lack of healing hands. It's entirely not needed with that much armor, and Defy Pain can be capped a lot earlier.

This build is a lot more resistant to enchant removal, as well. Sure, you might not be healing for a bit, but that's what the monk is there for, and it's not like it'll be hard to keep up with the damage with 160+ AL. This build also is unaffected by wild blow, and has increased resistance to elemental attacks VS a stance tank.

I know this isn't really anything new, but I am really hoping this gets the attention of all those STUPID WARRIORS that carry mending in the desert. Make life easier and tank for us, you worthless turd. Anyway. Copy this build to your hearts content.

*PS* Yes, there are 2 superior runes involved. Defy Pain gives you so much dang health you won't notice.

Mr Jazzy

Mr Jazzy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Mending For The [win]


like permanent health from defy pain?
(defy pain isnt a good elite)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005



i have a hunch this is for pve



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

San Diego, CA

Penguin Village


Bingo. Sorry, didn't specify.