Any fast ways to get money?

Legolas Ravenwood

Legolas Ravenwood

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



I am a level 19 Ranger/Elementalist. I am pretty new to this but atthe rate I am going I will be skint for ever . I see items being sold for like 100K ( ) and the most I have ever had at any one time is 7K.

So, back on track are there any fast ways to earn cash.

I have started running from Piken to Yaks but that aint to good, since you can only take 3 people.

-Legolas Ravenwood



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Houston, TX

Warrior Nation


unfortunately, a lot of the "get rich quick" methods in gw are reserved for either mo/w's or w/mo's, as they can solo and/or run people for lots of money. however, try farming the gypsie ettins outside of gates of kryta and lions arch. they usually have good drops


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Men In Black

Chest farming is a way but you have to spend to get and hope you get a perfect wepon or can salvage a perfect upgrade.

Can farm materials. A lot of low level places you can get materials to make othe rmaterials rom. Go in the low levels and take a pet so you can solo with your ranger.

Takes longer down there, but a couple hours of Charr runs should double your net worth if you only have 7k.

Lord Garofoli

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Souls of Heroes



Charr Killer

Charr Killer

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

In a box on a street corner

Blazin Dragons [BD]

ive heard that doing the nolani academy mission(in the beginning when u pull the lever and the gate opens is an OK place to farm if you cant fight higher lvl farming monsters) it is a whole bunch of charr at once!

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


I thought Elementlist/Mesmer is also a good farming character?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


PvP Tombs. Win Celestial Sigil and sell to NPC trader. Bang. 45k a pop.

That's what most legitimate people do.

Notice I say legitimate. Meaning what was designed to be a get rich quick method.

Otherwise farm like the rest of the worthless Prattle...

(Prattle defined: Player Cattle ; Players that follow the same activity in a herd like manner)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

good from far, far from good

Gaming Continuum


The upshot is that there are no "get rich quick" schemes in the game. You may get lucky on occassion with a drop that translates to a tidy sum when traded/sold, but for the most part - as alluded to above - money is gained through time and effort. Repetition, patience, luck, and the use of the salvage kit are the keys.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Men In Black

Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
PvP Tombs. Win Celestial Sigil and sell to NPC trader. Bang. 45k a pop.

That's what most legitimate people do.

Notice I say legitimate. Meaning what was designed to be a get rich quick method.

Otherwise farm like the rest of the worthless Prattle...

(Prattle defined: Player Cattle ; Players that follow the same activity in a herd like manner)
How many pug teams win HoH? Not to mention I doubt very highly he is even a lev 20, and just looking to get a start.

SO your condescending attitude is definately expected from an elitest PvPer, but not practical from a lot of people's stand point.

If you think it is such a good idea allow him to join your crack Tombs team next time out. I would lay 20-1 that that will never happen. So your suggestion is basically useless.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Ascalon 1


Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
PvP Tombs. Win Celestial Sigil and sell to NPC trader. Bang. 45k a pop.

That's what most legitimate people do.

Notice I say legitimate. Meaning what was designed to be a get rich quick method.

Otherwise farm like the rest of the worthless Prattle...

(Prattle defined: Player Cattle ; Players that follow the same activity in a herd like manner)
Why don't you try winning HoH with a PUG team? Lay off the elitist attitude.

One and Two

One and Two

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Actually you dork, Halls gave out one celestial sigil in the beginning. You know what that means? You get a guild hall with it.

Halls was designed to get guild halls for guilds. The trader was so that smaller guilds and weaker guilds could still buy a hall.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


lol, aside from becomming a l33t |> \/ |>er, just farm at the highest place you can without being killed. Just wandering around ascalon by yourself, you could make a good deal of money, since you're a high enough level to take them down quick. Otherwise you could redo missions or ask people to go farming with you at whatever point you are in the game. By far the best items will be found from the desert on, but it's also harder until you get a build working for you.

My suggestion for a farming build? meteor shower and/or firestorm when you've got a bunch of guys up on you. Basically, the whole reason farming is usually done by smite Mos or Wars is because they have AoE effects. The reason eles aren't popular farm builds is low armor. So you've got a decent build to farm with...I don't know much about ranger skills, so see if you have any AoEs to use (isn't there some AoE arrow that the charr use that makes that annoying screeching noise?). But yeah, you're not going to get any decent drops until you get to The Wilds at least, but once you get to there start ID'ing everything (even whites). It makes the price of your items go up about 99% of the time, and I've noticed a huge difference in my per-hour gold returns.

You really can't expect to have that much money on your first character before you beat the game. These people are either buying their gold off ebay (which is stupid, don't do it, it ruins things for everyone) or they're spending hours just farming. I've had about 120K so far (already spent on armor hehe) from the methods above, and I don't spend THAT much time farming (I'll do like an hour of farming each week..its just too boring for me lol).

Oh, and don't waste your money buying these weapons before you check out the desert collector's weapons. I'm not sure on rangers, but I got a GREAT staff for my ele (20/20 cast/recharge), and then I expert salvaged my mods off other drops I had and had a staff that prolly would of cost me a LOT of gold.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005

R/Mo way to make money is to not spend it. Dont buy armor till droks, dont buy weapons. dont buy anything!

I think a great way to make money is to just explore. I was having fun exploring the area north of the fire corridor getting ribcages (how gruesome...) and killing weaker enemies for materials which i can sell in bulk at Droks/Grotto/Citadel.

Fyre Brand

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Shadowlight Order [SoR]

What lyra_song said. Use collectors armour, or buy the Sanctum Cay (if you are having trouble) crafters armour and then droknars later.

A max damage weapon with mediocre mods shouldn't cost more than 1 - 5k. That is more than good enough to get you through the entire game.

Don't buy skills unless you absolutely need them AND they don't come free in a quest.

Don't buy keys ever, until you get to South Shiverpeaks and later in the game. Then only buy them when you want to waste money and have a butt-ton accumulated. Unless you can afford to buy a lot at once, it's really not worth the gamble. The only keys that really pay off are for South Shiverpeaks, Sorrows Furnace, Fire Islands, and the Underwold area.

My ranger has around 75% of the mesmer and monk skills and I still have around 100k between my characters and storage. I've spent around 45k in skills for my secondaries and the good bows I have now I got as drops, selling or salvaging the earlier ones.

The amount of items you have to spend money on in this game is very minimal. Basically your armour really. If you have a truly terrible weapon then your best bet is collector weapons (max damage with good attributes, but unpopular skins on them). They are very cheap to craft and peole often sell them for 1k if you don't want to do it yourself.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Ascalon 1


Like others have stated, the best way to have money is to not spend it. You don't need to pay to be run, you don't need to buy that better weapon for PvE.

The only thing you ever need to buy is new armor.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005



Im curious... Is a "butt-ton" more than a butt load? This was on the net somewhere, but I cant remember. As for myself, I farmed alone, elem/necro using just nuke spells and elite well is power. I have a place that I go to about level 12 or so, and farm for days. One night, for 3 hours I farmed, sold every single thing that was dropped, and came out with 10k ... It was a good day. But this place, is my place and Im affraid if I told you, Id have to, well you know...


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Pantheon of Shadows [dei]


I've been playing for 4-5 days now, and I have 23,565 in the bank. Easiest way is just to kill monsters (I've been killing around kryta) and hope to get lucky ^_^



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


I only won the hall once in my life. and I'm not rich either. I just see people get rich that way all the time. with little worry. both in and out of my guild. I personal have no reason to carry lots of gold. I don't desire to have the uber whatever flavor of the month item is... I enjoy the game for playing not the goodies you carry. Sorry you feel you have to have that uber crystalline sword to feel like a man. To me, even that, is just another lame sword... who cares...

Most I ever had on me was like 80k. and I spend it all on 2nd set of armor and Superior Runes. now I keep around 10 k for myself for whatever. Otherwise I give it to my guild to get what they want...

However, many of our group (multi guilds) play tombs and I see them selling sigils right and left. and they are the most loaded in the game I have seen. in the upper 100s thousands normally. all from selling sigils. that's all they do. period... tombs tombs tombs tombs... Good for them. That was how it was suppose to be done. win the hall get rich quick. with the PvP system ANYONE can play the hall. no sweat. Its the winning that's the challenge. and the reward is just, for that task. That's in My opinion. sorry you feel I slighted your farming butts. do what you feel you must. I don't give a flying fig... Hell, go buy the gold if you want it so bad. Just don't come crying to me when your account gets banned for doing it.

By the way. I know I'm extremely hated in this forums now. And I'm of the opinion its cause its filled with people that don't care about the game itself, and more about what you can get away with. So be it. if I'm hated for doing the right thing and trying to preserve the original game-play to the best of my ability. I'm doing what I was meant too do. So I'll continue to report the gold retailers for as long as arenanet wants me too. if they want to bitch about it. I don't care. I'm doing the right thing for everyone. Not just the jerks that take advantage of an exploitable system.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Hou Lan Geng [HLG]

The RPS Game

Game of pure luck.
You can make loads, and lose loads too.

I wouldn't really recommend this as a money-making technique though.
Just for fun and please honour your bets if you join...someone didn't.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
heck if you guys want rid of me so bad. I'm on all the other forums too. I'll just remove myself from guru as a posting / reading choice, and stop mirroring maps and stuff which I get 100s of hits a day on now... for the MOOMANiBE mapping project. Ever since his server went down many of us have been mirroring for him. It would be no problem to go back and manually delete every post I ever made on guru. I have the perfect vBulletin script for doing just that.
Heck you know what. forget it. I'm not deleting all my posts, I just did like 100 of em, and I figure if you don't like it. too bad. No sense not allowing others to see them for what they are, regardless of what you think of me.

I'm just tired of the same old thing over and over with some people. I give up. I'm sick of being the bad guy here. I'm almost sic of the game as a whole. If it wasn't for the beta at the moment I doubt I would be playing at all. If I were a new person coming in and seeing the game the way it is right now, I would play a grand total of a week before throwing it in the trash. especially with the attitude everyone gives a new person to the game.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Men In Black

I will agree with the treatment of the noobs. Also agree that the new people being well behind the 8 ball.

But what they don't know generally doesn't hurt them I guess. Unfortuantely people offering the "uber" weapons obviously whets people's appetities. So they want one too, it is only natural.

The thing is making money these days is a lot more difficult. But it still can be done. You will have to grind, which is something the game is supposed to eliminate. But being uber rich and having 4 sets of fissure armor and the like wasn't an original aim either. So take it for that.

Basically find the highest level monsters you can solo alone with no henches and take it from there. Buy some keys and hope for some decent chest drops.

On a side note and the sigils. Can't believe they are that high still. I see dozens of people selling guildhalls with capes and the whole nine yards daily for 10-25K somone auctioned one off and sold for 1100 gold a week or so ago. Either they have multiple accounts or are just bored and are quitting. But either way, winning tombs isn't all that easy. A lot easier for most people to famr and get a guaranteed pay off. Especially when you are not on an elite PvP team.

They will never seperate the two sides of the game, but the two sides should also know that their respective side is basically a whole different game. I surely would not offer advice to a PvPer. I also wouldn't expect a PvPer to understand the PvE side and the little things that are involved there.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Hou Lan Geng [HLG]

Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
Heck you know what. forget it. I'm not deleting all my posts, I just did like 100 of em, and I figure if you don't like it. too bad. No sense not allowing others to see them for what they are, regardless of what you think of me.

I'm just tired of the same old thing over and over with some people. I give up. I'm sick of being the bad guy here. I'm almost sic of the game as a whole. If it wasn't for the beta at the moment I doubt I would be playing at all. If I were a new person coming in and seeing the game the way it is right now, I would play a grand total of a week before throwing it in the trash. especially with the attitude everyone gives a new person to the game.
I don't know what's going on here.
But seems like this shield would do you good.

I would give it to you, but too bad I sold it to the merchant.

nicky nightmare

nicky nightmare

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

between a rock and a hard place......

Miendrak'el Myrth (MeM

Originally Posted by lyra_song way to make money is to not spend it. Dont buy armor till droks, dont buy weapons. dont buy anything!
well thats kinda hard because once you get that far you wont have the necessary materials for the armor because youll have to buy expert salvage kits... and then you have to pay to open a storage vault.... and if you dont do that and save everything till that point.... you will then not have room in your bags for stuff that can get you money just because your saving for materials.... therefor buying abosolutely nothing is out of the question IMO.... i say buy the bare necessities such as a storage vault and salvage kits.... and keys as that can get you some GOOD stuff... ohhh and another good thing to do.... expert salvage the purple weapons you get (cept for wands cestas truncheons and canes) unless theyre max... and when you get a weapon mod out of it apply it to a better weapon and go sell it.... obviously to a player seeing as weapons dont go for much with the merchants.... and instead of using dyes sell them to the trader or another player as you can typically get good prices there if you do.... so all i can say is play smart save your money buy only what you need to get what later on and only upgrade armor at three points.... ascalon, quarrel falls, and droks

if you never upgrade your armor you die way to easily... going up against monsters in the desert with presear armor is just plain stupid....

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




I'd say most of the money I've wasted has been on dyes, which is silly. Don't know why they have to be so expensive, particularly when you can't test them on your stuff first. Anyway, don't do that ^.

nicky nightmare

nicky nightmare

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

between a rock and a hard place......

Miendrak'el Myrth (MeM

Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
By the way. I know I'm extremely hated in this forums now. And I'm of the opinion its cause its filled with people that don't care about the game itself, and more about what you can get away with. So be it. if I'm hated for doing the right thing and trying to preserve the original game-play to the best of my ability. I'm doing what I was meant too do. So I'll continue to report the gold retailers for as long as arenanet wants me too. if they want to bitch about it. I don't care. I'm doing the right thing for everyone. Not just the jerks that take advantage of an exploitable system.
well i cant see y anyone would hate you for that seeing as your only trying to help.... but im sure everyone should pay more attention as you have some good things to say.... as for selling stuff me i never sell anything i find in game and cant use.... i ALWAYS give it away... i mean if i wanted to i could mimic every other player in the game who sells weapons and mods and demand outrageous prices and call ppl n00bs for not buying them when they see how crappy the weapon really is but i prefer the good feeling of generosity.... im not interested in extreme wealth and beating everybody in how much money i have.... i olnly want to beat everyone at pvp j/k honestly though i can see where your coming from and if i get hated because of it so be it im not gonna sit here and let someone get mistreated just for expressing themselves thats just a load of b.s.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Ascalon 1


Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
By the way. I know I'm extremely hated in this forums now. And I'm of the opinion its cause its filled with people that don't care about the game itself, and more about what you can get away with. So be it. if I'm hated for doing the right thing and trying to preserve the original game-play to the best of my ability. I'm doing what I was meant too do. So I'll continue to report the gold retailers for as long as arenanet wants me too. if they want to bitch about it. I don't care. I'm doing the right thing for everyone. Not just the jerks that take advantage of an exploitable system.
This is the only thread I've ever read one of your posts (or maybe others just didn't stand out for me) but the problem throughout this entire thread is you have a "holier than thou" underlying tone to everything you write.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

This question has been answered, thanks for not being friendly guys.