I can't complain much about the armor in the game, but but there's a few things that is bugging me. Different kind of armor should have some bonus on the robustness or weight of it. For instance. A heavy armored warrior would certanly absorb or mitigate many of the physical damage dealt to him, but with less or no chances of avoiding the damage completely. This makes him robust and suitable in the frontline getting hammered on. --- Only now, he can still be swift like the wind using stances, wich in my oppinion is a bit unrealistic unless all them used "block" instead of "evade".
On the other hand, a lightly armored mage (for example) should have some benefit or bonus of his light equipment. Still, as it is now, he recieves the same ammount of blows towards him, but no natural way of evading them unless using a stance. I like that the game is skill based and it's up to the player to play it right and choose the skills wisely, but it's a little bit TOO related to the skills.
As it is now, no matter what, you dont have much use of your armor. the difference between heavily armored and not doesnt kill you much faster. Warriors like any other profession rely ONLY on the skills and the Team monk for survival. Some kind of balancing should there be becouse no matter what class you play, you're simply too fragile if the monk in the team isn't having a good day. I don't mind hammering a little bit extra on a warrior becuz his rough armor.
I don't mind swinging a few extra times to hit that mage evading many of my blows.
Sometimes things just happen a bit too fast to comprehend. The character navigation isn't flawless so any misstake or wrong keypress could get you killed in second. (when doing cooperative missions many people leave if they think they're in a bad group becouse the monk wasnt targeting him at the moment) This takes the fun out of it in my taste. I sometimes have hard times getting stuck on objecs in the world when you least want it. Like when you're trying to click a few extra times and noticing nothing is happening, you move all your fingers to the keyboard trying to move and use your skills at the same time, losing your target. You quickly look at your health that is close to zero. You're a bit dissoriented and accedently press "swing that axe" instead of heal or block stance... Finito ...
I like when things are hard, but not frustrating becouse you're stuck or you feel like you can't do everything at once. It's a complex thing fighting, moving and targetting... Death count's is no fun coun'ts and no-one like's to die, even thought the penalties isn't that bad in this game.
Some more balancing suggestions welcome.
Armor Balancing