I was in Droknar buying armor (duh heh) for my monk and I needed cloth. I had 47 pieces of cloth and needed 50 so I figured I'd buy a bolt of 10. I go to the trader, open and window and SELECTED BUY and got a quote of 150g for 10 pieces of cloth. I elected to buy it and watched as my 1785g count drop to 1635g. Now because I saw my gold go down, I know I bought cloth. So back to the armor dwarf I go and select the armor I wish to craft and is says I only have 37 bolts of cloth and I need 50... WTF?

This happened yesterday in Droknar forge (oct 17,05) so I mapped over to Lion's Arch and bought more cloth with another character that had gold to spare... no bug...
Any ideas or simular experience?