What armour is this?
Does anyone know what kind of armour that is? I thought it would look cool on my mesmer.
ANet armor
It's an artist's rendition of a mesmer. You cannot actually get that exact one in game. However, the noble armor for girl mesmers resembles that style in game. You also cannot get that rapier. There is no rapier in game.
The sword looks like a longsword
The armoor looks like a less "puffy" virtuoso or maybe the no bonus droknar's
The armoor looks like a less "puffy" virtuoso or maybe the no bonus droknar's
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
The sword looks like a longsword
The armoor looks like a less "puffy" virtuoso or maybe the no bonus droknar's |
Yep, that's cheapy noble armor and the sword is either a rapier or a teeny long sword.
Lag Hell
[mentally, physically, spastically unstable]
[mentally, physically, spastically unstable]