Of Charrslaying Damage +10-20% (vs. Charr)
Of Deathbane Damage +10-20% (vs. Undead)
Of Dwarfslaying Damage +10-20% (vs. Dwarves)
Of Giantslaying Damage +10-20% (vs. Giants)
Of Pruning Damage +10-20% (vs. Plants)
Of Skeletonslaying Damage +10-20% (vs. Skeletons)
Of Tenguslaying Damage +10-20% (vs. Tengu)
Of Trollslaying Damage +10-20% (vs. Troll)
All these should BE INHERENT as a second modifier (like 15>50, 20 vs charr instaed of 15>50 only), don't you think? If they are suffixes, they are SO useless.
Armor +4-8 vs.: Charr / Dwarves / Giants / Plants / Skeletons / Tengu / Trolls / Undead.
This should be the 3RD stat on a shield or focus...not 2nd
(+45/-2 stance/+8 vs charr, anyone?)
Not posting this as a suggestion, more as a concern. This could very well balance PvE and PvP more.
Slaying mods and + armor mods
Tuoba Hturt Eht
I agree.
By the way, I think +7 is the highest, not +8
By the way, I think +7 is the highest, not +8
I don't see any real reason to add second/third inherent modifier. Especially not for the sake of garbage weapon compents that are easy enough to replace.
Plus, dropped shields/focus tend to always suck and are best gotten as collector's items by default.
Plus, dropped shields/focus tend to always suck and are best gotten as collector's items by default.
Sanji, the point is so that you will NOT get slaying mods as a suffix/prefix or as one of 2 shield/focus mods which provides greater chance of decent mods.
It would also give a little boost to PvE, in the fact that PvE weapons would have a modifier that only works in PvE.
It would also give a little boost to PvE, in the fact that PvE weapons would have a modifier that only works in PvE.
I concur. As of now, the vs. mods suck too much to be very useful, compared to the other mods.
I agree with lifeinfusion and unienaule and i think making it a third modifier would be great as they are useless in any other form
Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
Sanji, the point is so that you will NOT get slaying mods as a suffix/prefix or as one of 2 shield/focus mods which provides greater chance of decent mods.
Sure, it doesn't have any effect in PvP, but I don't see a reason for making items be better across the board (in limited situations as it is) just because you occasionally get some vendor trash. There are already viable ways of getting a good shield or focus in the game already. As for them being bad weapon components, that's a practically a non-issue.
Barry Whitte
if anyone has any of these mods and doesnt want them i will buy for 200-1k depending on the damadge.
add barry whitte to friends and whisper me.
add barry whitte to friends and whisper me.
I might pay a little for the undead or dwarf modifiers. Those would at least serve some purpose as there are undead in the Fissure and a ton of dwarves in Sorrow's, two places high level characters spend a lot of time.
Oh God I HATE getting a pruning mod. I just drop it and continue on lol.
But yeah, I agree with you. But some mods, like Dwarve mods can be useful, but I would rather have the boost in health or armor, ect.
But yeah, I agree with you. But some mods, like Dwarve mods can be useful, but I would rather have the boost in health or armor, ect.