Meeting others


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

I had asked this once, but it was in another thread and not necessarily this topic. I am wondering how people are meeting quality people to play with as I am having a difficult time in doing so.

Usually in any MMORPG I stay out of the main towns as there are way too many asshats in there. Pretending to have sex, offending names, cussing all the time, being a father of pre-teens they are curious about the game and sit and watch me play. We talk about places to see and I let them 'drive' my toon around. Now I normally meet like minded people (those who think the main towns are dumping grounds for the immature) out and about when I am questing.

The problem here is I am the only one out and about questing since it is reserved for me. While this has many pluses it has some cons, and the big one for me is trying to meet people.

I really don't want to have to group with a 100 hundred idiots to find the 1 or 2 decent people, who like to game casually as well. Mix exploring, trying strategies as well as questing and leveling.

This can not be an issue for just me, so I am wondering how is the gaming community handling this issue.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

join a guild

find a real one with a website and forum so you can get to know the scene before you join

since they have virtually no requirements in this game there are a billion 'fake guilds' made of just a few guys or even one guy so it's sometimes hard to find some real guilds, but different sites have forum sections just for guilds to recruit in.

just scan for one with an url


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


If you can find a guild to join it would help. They tend to look out for one another, and have fun together. Not saying that some of the guild members wouldn't be immature but it is better than just staying in town all the time and trying to talk to complete strangers.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

>I really don't want to have to group with a 100 hundred idiots to find the 1 or 2 decent people, who like to game casually as well. Mix exploring, trying strategies as well as questing and leveling.

I think the idiot ratio is only about 2:1, really, and you can often tell in the first couple of minutes in a team what you're in for.

My suggestion would be to look for groups lead by guild capes (I know, any chucklehead can create his own guild, but it probably improves your odds). L33t haxx0rs probably won't want to 'waste the gold' on a vanity guild+cape. Alternately, look for the well-known roleplaying guilds abbreviations.

Or just listen to the chat channel and join the team of the first guy that speaks complete sentences in English...that should push the odds in your favor.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005


I've been having the same sort of problems as late. One guy who I teamed up with to complete the Adventure with an ally quest wanted my AIM, so he could cyber sex me. I play as a female ranger. He said I was very sexy and was just his type. I told him that I'm a 34 year old male, living in England with a wife and a baby daughter and wasn't into that sort of thing.

I need to find a good guild but I'm waiting untill I have left the newbie zone.

What is it with new players stripping to there undies and dancing? Must be an age thing, maybe I'm to old for these games now?

Miss Quijun

Miss Quijun

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

ive found it hard to meet anyone, normally in Wow or Swg you are in 1 server and get to know the locals over time, tend to make friends after while. But with Gw you are all in 1 giant server mixed up. i hardly ever see the same person twice.

I wouldnt mind finding a good solid guild and nice people to hang out with. The henchman arnt cutting the social barrier for me at the moment...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

i got lucky and found an adult guild where most members seem to be in there 30's or older...i hesitate to post the url to our site here because i'm not sure if the leaders are actively recruiting...i will post the url in this thread when they answer my query on our forums...

ahh what the are a splinter guild that came from guild medieval which just went through some downsizing...guild medieval was a mature gamer's paradise because it was full of solid, mature members, and spanned many, many games so you could keep the same friends from game to game...that guild was in eq2, wow, guild wars, lineage, dungeon siege, diablo, anarchy online, and split up because it go so huge it was difficult to hold it all together.

hope the leaders don't hang me for handing out the url

there is a picture thread there too so you can see just how old some of us really are!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

the good 'ole south

i had the same problem when i was starting out. still have it but i joined a guild yesterday, so maybe i won't have to deal with the immature ones. I'm still deciding whether the guild i joined is a good one or not, but i think it is.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Welcome to online life.

You need to get your kids away from the game or turn off all the chat lines. This game environment is not for pre-teens. It was never advertised as such. It's inappropriate for you to have your pre-teen kids in front of this game with the warnings given on the package. Expecting anything other than dialogue straight out of the movie "Clerks" from today's teenagers is a monumental error. The "adults" are a little better, but not much.

Onlife life is like regular life, only moreso. I'd like to tell you that what you've observed gets better, but it really doesn't. Generally, what people in society are going to spend vast quantities of their free time holed up in a corner of their house staring at a computer monitor? There's a whole lot of dysfunction to be found on the net. There's not a whole lot of stability. The net also attracts loads of contrary people. People who say "Green sky!" or anything else that might push some buttons to get themselves some attention. They don't care if the attention they recieve is negative, just as long as they get attention, and MMORPGs are a perfect venue for the attention-starved.

The suggestions to look for guilds are good ones. However, a qualifier needs to be put on those suggestions. Any online game community that tracks the competitive performance of guilds is going to have an uber-element that can be ultra-competitive to the point of obsession and beyond. There's going to be not-so-healthy people out there that base their entire self-esteem on where they currently sit in those rankings. So... make sure when you look at those guilds, you keep in mind that a chunk of them are going to be composed of obsessive-compulsive neurotics who would kill their mother to move up 3 places on the leaderboard.

With all that said, there's some great people on the net to be found. You have to look a bit, but they are there. It's like anything else in life. If you expect to meet some quality people that are fun to hang out with, expect to put some effort into the process. I'm sure you didn't have your real world friendships land in your lap effortlessly. Don't expect any different online. Take some time to really look through the various forums for guild announcement for people you share a lot in common with. Meet up with them, go out on a couple of runs to see if you get along, and then join when you feel comfortable with them. You also need to tell those you are planning on hanging out with that you intend to have your kids around the computer. They need to give their permission to monitor their behavior around you and your potential kid factor. Then... you might consider letting your kids back around the game when you are playing.

Marus Varrus

Marus Varrus

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Alabama USA

Force of Arms


All these suggestions seem good. I am a father of younger children as well I have found the blocking of the foul language to be pretty effective overall. First and foremost don't let your desire to play influence what you are willing to put up with if you are polite but firm once and do not see any change explain why you are dropping from the group and go you will be happier in the long run. In looking for a guild look for one that emphasizes Roleplay or PVP the groups tend to be nicer and less cutthroat. That isn't a dig against PVP to be good in the brackets you haveto be that way to a certain extent its just a matter of playstyle.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by OvertheHill
Welcome to online life.

Like I said, that is why I stayed away from the main towns in general. Playing MMO for multiple years I know this to be the case.

My issue was, how do I find good people and not go into town. I mainly played on RP servers on other games as they tend to have less problems in general.

I guess being more of a casual player, e.g. limited time spent on-line, makes me more suspect to this as people I do meet out level me very soon. This is one of the pros to GW I was hoping as the high level end cap is not hard to get to, so the out-leveling me would be a samll issue.

Anyway, thanks for the advice you gave even though it felt like more of a lecture.

Marus Varrus

Marus Varrus

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Alabama USA

Force of Arms


Instead of towns stick to the outposts like Pilken square or the Sanatorium. Outposts seem to be more serious in general with less fluff going on