I didn't take time to read the manuscripts or any related FAQs lastnight, as well, I wanted to play the game right after I installed it.
So I have few questions relating to my quest.
First off, what quadrant of Regent Valley is the master ranger located? e..g NW, SW, etc. I talked with the chap near the shrine and he stated the master ranger is on the edge of the valley, on the high ground. But I spent a good 45 minutes search lastnight and did not find him.
Secondly, I read in another thread about modifying equipment. Is that true, and how would I go about doing that?
Couple of questions...
If you enter Regent Valley from Lakeside country, just follow the road for a few meters and you should see the trainer.
As for modifying equipment...you'll be able to do that a bit later in the game.
You can ugrade armor with runes, and weapons with two parts, like pommel and hilt for the sword etc.
As for modifying equipment...you'll be able to do that a bit later in the game.
You can ugrade armor with runes, and weapons with two parts, like pommel and hilt for the sword etc.
Awesome, thank you mate.