Fur and Expert Salvage kits..
To my understanding of it, in order to get fur, you need an expert salvage kit, which can be purchased in Yak's Bend for 400g. After you have this, i am also told that using the expert salvage kit on Charr Hides yields fur(Not always, but sometimes.)
To my understanding of it, in order to get fur, you need an expert salvage kit, which can be purchased in Yak's Bend for 400g. After you have this, i am also told that using the expert salvage kit on Charr Hides yields fur(Not always, but sometimes.)
newb here, was wondering where do you find yak's bend?
Yes, I have heard this as well. But has anyone actually got it to work? I tried like 8 charr hides using expert salvage kit and didn't get any furs. I may have just been unlucky, but can anyone confirm for sure. Do charr hides really salvage into furs? Before I waste more expert salvage kits because they are not cheap!
Originally Posted by Zorque
Yes, I have heard this as well. But has anyone actually got it to work? I tried like 8 charr hides using expert salvage kit and didn't get any furs. I may have just been unlucky, but can anyone confirm for sure. Do charr hides really salvage into furs? Before I waste more expert salvage kits because they are not cheap!
I even heard one guy say you get a fur square from 5 wood planks and a hide or something using a expert salvage kit. Not sure how the heck you do that.
Charr hides do yield Fur. Out of 28 hides I got 1 fur last night. One of my guildmates had the same experience. If anyone wants it, I'll sell it to you for 2p. :-)
Wow that's crappy odds. I think I'll just forget about the furs for now, I'll just do some more missions and I'm betting there are probably higher level salvage materials which provide better odds later in the game.
Originally Posted by myzr
newb here, was wondering where do you find yak's bend?
Also you can get fur by killing the Great Fury Wombat that appears randomly in some areas. LOL

Originally Posted by Dreamsmith
You get there after completing the Nolani Academy mission. You can also get there by heading northwest from the Diessa Lowlands, through the Ascalon Foothills, and then north through Traveller's Vale.
I've managed to get 2 fur squres using the expert salvage kit on 20 something charr hides. I'll need to sell these stupid things for a few hundred apiece just to try and break even on those retardedly expensive kits. >_<
If you can't afford the kits, you shouldn't be buying the armor that depends on the fur. It is by no means requisite.
Who said anything about can't afford? I never said it broke me, I just felt a little jipped. $250 is a retarded amount of money for a candy bar whether you have 5 dollars in your pocket or 5 million.
Pevil Lihatuh
yes this does indeed work; i posted my own thread a few days ago about this because I'm also fed up of the thousands of threads about it, and have pm'ed to see if it can be stickied or added into the FAQs.
It IS bad odds, I got lucky and got one fur out of 8 hides; my bf on the other hand hasn't gotten any fur and he's expertly salvaged quite a lot of hides.
It IS bad odds, I got lucky and got one fur out of 8 hides; my bf on the other hand hasn't gotten any fur and he's expertly salvaged quite a lot of hides.
Just craft a differant armor with the same defence that doesn't need fur. For some reason fur is a common crafting material that is extremely rare, there are other and better things out there that you can craft that do not need, nor depend on fur. So go do some missions, get to a new major city and find a new crafter that doesn't need this hellish fur.

Do you get anything from the hides, even if it doesnt weild you fur?
Yeah, you just get tanned leather if you don't get fur.
Ashleigh McMahon
Another thread has been stickied relating this question.
Please refer to that from now on.
Regards, Ashleigh.
Please refer to that from now on.
Regards, Ashleigh.