Question on Req and Worth...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

I am in a transitional period.


This is kind of related to selling, so I think this is the right forum...

Why is it that the req on a weapon changes it's worth? Say I have a max dmg Sword with 8 req and another with req 12 (same mods, obviously) - when you have 16 in swords, they will do the same damage, right? So why the price difference?

The only time I have found requirements to be a problem (back in the day when selling was easy) is when you have a high req Shield and the warrior dosent like Tactics.

I'm not a n00b, I just dont do any pvp, so I am not informed on that aspect of the game. :P



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Ascalon 1


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