Looking to merge active members from my guild to yours!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Hello there. My guild has reached a lull and has noticed a steep decline in activity making recruiting and more importantly pvping next to impossible.

Me personally, Have all but 50 skills unlocked, almost every single weapon upgrade & all runes unlocked. I have experience using almost all skill/character combinations. I accel at monk, warrior, mesmer & necro classes. I have extensive PvE/PvP experience, with close to 200k faction. I've spent over 900 hours on my account. My current characters are 1 W/R (fully completed), 1 N/Me (fully completed), 1 E/Mo (working thru game), I just deleted 1 other fully completed Me/R in order to unlock the remaining skills I need. Plus I reserve 1 slot for a PvP character, which is currently a crazy DPS adren axe build. I'm willing to delete this slot at any time to create ANY custom template required. I have the use of Teamspeak 2 & Ventrilo. Additionally I have a guild forum which I can edit to to suit the new guild if a forum doesn't already exist, ALSO I am paying for a teamspeak serverwith 50 player slots.

My guild has approximately 5 other active members that I'm wishing to have join me. They are all experienced at PvE/PvP players and I believe would be a GREAT addition to any guild.

What we're searching for is an ACTIVE PvP/GvG guild, hopefully one with a successful GvG record. A guild with a relaxed sense of humour, not too many kiddies (sorry but we're all adults), one that takes particular interest in designing custom team builds, a guild with the MAJORITY of its membership residing in North America.

Please, if your guild fits this description, and you're interested in accquiring some awesome, experienced (and ever-so modest ) players, please pm me with details of your guild and other relevant information.




Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Guided by Voices


You have a PM


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Thank you CatsPaw and company, we're currently being courted by a few seemingly nice guilds. I'll get ahold of you when I return from work this evening. To anyone else that maystill be interested, keep sending PM's!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Knights of the Republic (KOTR)


You have MORE mail!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

I hate ppl who put stupid locations here

Jelly Toasts [jT], Team Love [kisu]


And by the time you read this, you will have another.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


We Are The Samuria Pizza Cats


and again one more for you to gaze opon