Hello, i'm having trouble inserting a rune into any of my items... for example i double click on the rune (like it says on it) and when i put my pointer over any item, it doesnt matter it's crossed out... am i doing somthing wrong here?
It's a rune for energy storage.
Inserting Runes
Furys deathblade
Originally Posted by Furys deathblade
Hello, i'm having trouble inserting a rune into any of my items... for example i double click on the rune (like it says on it) and when i put my pointer over any item, it doesnt matter it's crossed out... am i doing somthing wrong here?
It's a rune for energy storage. -Fury |
it is a rune for your primary profession i hope and not a secondary profession
i mean i hope you are a primary elementalist
Furys deathblade
well it does says "Elementalist rune of minor energy storage" are you saying there is class specific runes? man that's retarded if so.
You can only use runes of your primary profession, just like you can only use armor of your primary profession. It keeps the game balanced.