Pre-Searing Necro Collector Boots
Where can this collector be found?
I've searched both this site and others, and one place said Karleen just inside the catacombs (she doesn't appear) and Hatcher in Fort Ranik (he sells the tunic).
I feel like such a newb for asking this, but it's really bugging me.
I've searched both this site and others, and one place said Karleen just inside the catacombs (she doesn't appear) and Hatcher in Fort Ranik (he sells the tunic).
I feel like such a newb for asking this, but it's really bugging me.
I'm pretty sure it is in catacombs, 1 of the 4 npc's as you enter.
Fyre Brand
Check again when you enter the catacombs. There are two collectors just inside the main catacombs entrance. There is one to the right of Necro Muune inside the crypt. There is also one to the left by the rez shrine just before you go down the stairs. I think it is one of those. One takes skeletal limbs and the the other takes gargoyle skulls.
Hold down your left alt key and pan around you will see them.
Hold down your left alt key and pan around you will see them.
He's not at the catacombs entrance, I can take a screenshot if you'd like. I hold down control + alt and all I see is Munne and another collector (not the one I need).
People all over pre-searing are having the same problem, so I'm guessing it's a new bug perhaps.
People all over pre-searing are having the same problem, so I'm guessing it's a new bug perhaps.
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Make sure you're going in the right way.
You're looking for the collectors near Necromancer Muune, from the Ashford Abbey entrance. One is to the right of her (her right) right near the stair case and the other is in the desolate cathedral to her left.
It should be like this
Academy Monk----Collector----Necromancer---- Collector
You're looking for the collectors near Necromancer Muune, from the Ashford Abbey entrance. One is to the right of her (her right) right near the stair case and the other is in the desolate cathedral to her left.
It should be like this
Academy Monk----Collector----Necromancer---- Collector
The Gargoyl skull collector is not there anymore......Necro Munne is standing in her place and no one is standing where Munne was......this JUST happened with the new update. I searched all over for her and could not find her.
me too, i am running all over the place looking for the mysterious collector. In the end, i got fed up and decided to continue the mission and go to post-ascalon with a strange outfit..sob
Is there anyone that can confirm that they've seen the collector since the last patch?
After deleting my expendable PvP char, I took a quick run through pre searing to check this out. Confirmed, I've been to that collector many times before when I went through pre searing. It aint there anymore. Perhaps it's over the other side where the gargoyles are found.
Edit: After a brisk run around the catacombs, I don't seem to be able to find any more collectors.
Edit: After a brisk run around the catacombs, I don't seem to be able to find any more collectors.
Lady Kajira
Do not waste your time for a +2 armour which is all the collector armour gives you from 5 to 7 is not worth the time. Wait till you get out of Pre and you can buy +30 armour right away after you get the materials in Asclon
Well Kajira the point is that the new boots also give energy regen not just a small armor bonus.....which is very useful to the necros out there. Not to mention simply completing the look of the new armor. Of course we are all going to get better armor once in Post-searing but not everyone collects enough gold and materials to make it before going to the wall.
Er, generally speaking all pieces of armor give the same bonus. The starter armor has the energy bonuses on it, otherwise everyone would have energy 20.
The exceptions are armors like druids for ranger, gladiators for warrior, er, can't remember the -energy armor for monk, tattoos for monk, scars for necro.
Regen is the same on all of them.
The exceptions are armors like druids for ranger, gladiators for warrior, er, can't remember the -energy armor for monk, tattoos for monk, scars for necro.
Regen is the same on all of them.
How odd. I went to that collector just ... 3 days ago when I started a new Monk. Has this happened since then?
Edit: Yeh, I guess it did. That's wierd. Glad I got them when I did.
Edit: Yeh, I guess it did. That's wierd. Glad I got them when I did.
My Mesmer is in Pre-Searing, and I have boots but I didn't get them from the Gargoyle Lady (since she's not there for me either). I got them from Jacobs, who stands by the merchant at the "entrance" to Ashford. I've noticed some really strange things since I made my Mesmer (post-latest-patch), like Gwen moving to a different place and no more Aloe Seeds right outside of Ascalon. Mhenlo has also moved.
Maybe this was all intentional?
Maybe this was all intentional?
That collector (Jacobs) trades for the gloves. I've just checked him out with my warrior and it's gauntlets anyway. Not sure about the other professions though, but generally I've noticed it's always the same.
Zephyr Jackson
Wow can you believe that it doesnt make a difference since you can make it through the first mission anyways with ur nob armor, i ran the mission and only had to use endure pain once. (Against Shatter Gargoyles)
Yeah, they've definately changed the Pre-Searing. People in different places and there are severely less enemies around Ascalon city now. Used to be swarming with Scales and Aloe seeds, no there's nothing. They've even removed the Lvl 5 Lightning Drake from the lakeside!
Mesmers and rangers can still get boots in pre. Thats it. I really wish everyone would read this and stop spamming the pre areas whining about boots lol. As for the comments about boots in pre being a waste of time, you're not the one playing on thier account, so let them play however they want.
*edit* the drake is still there for me. Maybe they changed that again? But the bull no longer respawns for me once I do the quest to kill him for the mes.
*edit* the drake is still there for me. Maybe they changed that again? But the bull no longer respawns for me once I do the quest to kill him for the mes.
She's here, inside the catacombs at the Green Hills County entrance.
Note that she was NOT there when I entered through the Green Hills County entrance yesterday to do Kashra Blackblood's Necro quest, "The Power of Blood" (the one where you have to kill the Blood Fanatics). As long as you're not on that quest you should be able to find her.
If anyone has forgotten how to get to the catacombs from there, here you go.
Note that she was NOT there when I entered through the Green Hills County entrance yesterday to do Kashra Blackblood's Necro quest, "The Power of Blood" (the one where you have to kill the Blood Fanatics). As long as you're not on that quest you should be able to find her.
If anyone has forgotten how to get to the catacombs from there, here you go.
Just an update for those who may read this later....if you have any quest that involves the catacombs when you enter....the collector will not be there.
^ Not true.
Egads already explained where the collector is wheter you have a quest involving catacombs or not.
Egads already explained where the collector is wheter you have a quest involving catacombs or not.
Spiteful Soul
The collector in the catacombs.Got moved, near the exit to
Green Hills County. Is the area where it looks red. And has a
bunch of Gargoyles standing around. Next to the area you
resurrect from if you were to die.
Green Hills County. Is the area where it looks red. And has a
bunch of Gargoyles standing around. Next to the area you
resurrect from if you were to die.