Is GW really going pay to play?
D Roc
I hope they arent, because it's back to SWG for me if the do start charging.
Eh? Where'd you hear that GW is going "pay to play"?
They're not.
No! Why do people always make stuff up/post random rumors...
D Roc
Originally Posted by pfb
Eh? Where'd you hear that GW is going "pay to play"?
Probably the new EULA that poped up last night it caught my eye as well. But reading it more carefully i beilieve it meant that any updates will have to be purchased for money not a monthly fee. So when they come out with whatever the exspansion pack is it will cost money to buy not a monthly fee.
"Guild Wars will never be pay-to-play..."
"This is merely letting you know that you can pre-purchase the next installment of Guild Wars if you want to. There will not be a monthly fee. Ever."
"Guild Wars will never be pay-to-play..."
"This is merely letting you know that you can pre-purchase the next installment of Guild Wars if you want to. There will not be a monthly fee. Ever."
Why would anyone ever believe anything said by a random guy in a PUG for UW?
Originally Posted by D Roc
Some kid in a UW group I was in said it. Figured I'd run it by you guys seeing as you all hold more ground than some random kid.
Rikus Talon
so if u dont buy the expansion u are stuck with what u have now.the expansion will be additives that only those who have the pack can question would will they stop ppl from trading items from the expansion to ppl with out the expansion? does that mean there wont be any different weapons or armour? if they are going to allow trade between those with expansion and those without then how would that be fair to someone who paid for that expansion? these questions dont really have merit because i really dont know what to expect....but it must be something Anet is considering.dont u think?
Gustav Gloomp
the closer we get to the release date, the more info we will find out on the expansion and hopefully the frog will say some stuff about whats coming expansion too.
I'm assuming when it comes to new weapon skins of existing weapon types, that it will be a global update, not tied to the expansion.
However, consider that if they should add new weapon types, then perhaps the expansion will be the only way to obtain the attribute required to use them properly. Be it by adding new attributes to existing types or adding a new Profession altogether. So, anyone would be able to trade them, but they would be absolutely useless for people who don't own the expansion.
However, consider that if they should add new weapon types, then perhaps the expansion will be the only way to obtain the attribute required to use them properly. Be it by adding new attributes to existing types or adding a new Profession altogether. So, anyone would be able to trade them, but they would be absolutely useless for people who don't own the expansion.
they would be totaly different servers. people with the update will be on servers that people without cant get on. im sure it will be the same as diable 2 is with there expansion. the thing im worrred about is what if my guild doesnt get the expansion? am i going to have to start over trying to find a new one. or will the guilds expand into the expansion??
Originally Posted by Rikus Talon
so if u dont buy the expansion u are stuck with what u have now.the expansion will be additives that only those who have the pack can question would will they stop ppl from trading items from the expansion to ppl with out the expansion? does that mean there wont be any different weapons or armour? if they are going to allow trade between those with expansion and those without then how would that be fair to someone who paid for that expansion? these questions dont really have merit because i really dont know what to expect....but it must be something Anet is considering.dont u think?
simple answer to question
Originally Posted by D Roc
I hope they arent, because it's back to SWG for me if the do start charging.
Lets keep the forum clean!
User Name
Yes. Purchasing the newer chapters of Guild Wars will not make you strictly more powerful. You will have access to many more strategic options, due to the expanding nature of the skills, abilities, items and professions that you enjoy with each chapter. It would be similar to building a deck in Magic: The Gathering®: The more cards you own, the more different playing decks that you can choose from to use in the game. When you buy the chapters of Guild Wars, you will acquire a larger collection of skills and abilities from which to build your skill set, but you will not gain more power. So if you purchase a chapter and your friend does not, you will still be able to play competitively against and with one another. |
For those too lazy to read what Sanji linked to:
Originally Posted by support
Will I remain competitive if I do not buy the expansion packs? Will I be able to compete with and against others if I have only some of the Guild Wars chapters? Answer Yes. Purchasing the newer chapters of Guild Wars will not make you strictly more powerful. You will have access to many more strategic options, due to the expanding nature of the skills, abilities, items and professions that you enjoy with each chapter. It would be similar to building a deck in Magic: The Gathering®: The more cards you own, the more different playing decks that you can choose from to use in the game. When you buy the chapters of Guild Wars, you will acquire a larger collection of skills and abilities from which to build your skill set, but you will not gain more power. So if you purchase a chapter and your friend does not, you will still be able to play competitively against and with one another. |
Alex Weekes
Originally Posted by Nate66
they would be totaly different servers. people with the update will be on servers that people without cant get on. im sure it will be the same as diable 2 is with there expansion. the thing im worrred about is what if my guild doesnt get the expansion? am i going to have to start over trying to find a new one. or will the guilds expand into the expansion??

I think the Game FAQ says it best:
Am I required to buy the new chapters in order to continue to play Guild Wars? No. Every purchase you make in the continuation of the Guild Wars saga will be your choice. If you purchase new chapters, you will gain access to new regions of the world, new skills and abilities, new items, new professions, and much more. And of course such a purchase will support the continued development of the game. However, if you choose not to purchase a chapter, you will still be able to play the chapters of Guild Wars that you own, and you will have common areas in which you will be able to play with and against your friends who have purchased the other chapter(s). |
well, at least i hope that they release the name of the new expansion pack.
User Name
Alex: Any chance the expansion will contain voice over talent with...uh actual talent?
It wouldn't be hard for people who did and didn't buy the new installment to mingle. Look at Diablo II. They were able to release several new installments and keep everyone playing with each other. How'd they do it? Everyone gets a small part of the expansion from downloading. This includes new armors, weapons, skills, etc. That's so your computer doesn't go "Wtf?" when you get stabbed with a pike.
Rumors ftl...