I got a gold sword drop (not that any of my chars use swords, naturally) which has +5 Armor.
I was curious as to how this works. Is it like a shield, which protects from frontal attack? Is is location-based, increasing, say, chest or hand armor?
Weapon with +Armor enhancement
The armor provided by weapons is universal, from what I've experienced.
Correctemondo ratificus - Universal.
Batou of Nine
free fall.
By Universal this means it applies to each piece of armor at any time. You get hit @ your chest piece the +5 armor is applied. Hit in the arm, +5 armor applies. etc etc and so on and so on.
Pretty kewl eh? That is why the debate still stands:: +30hp weapon mod VS. +5 armor weapon mod :: which is better in the long run? Not definite yet.
By Universal this means it applies to each piece of armor at any time. You get hit @ your chest piece the +5 armor is applied. Hit in the arm, +5 armor applies. etc etc and so on and so on.
Pretty kewl eh? That is why the debate still stands:: +30hp weapon mod VS. +5 armor weapon mod :: which is better in the long run? Not definite yet.