So I just got to the Nolani Academy mission... and I had a few questions.
#1 - I played with all henchmen through the last mission (Sumaria?) and it worked out pretty good. But I only got like one of the objectives completed. Do the bonus objectives give you something special and do you get more XP if you complete more main objectives?
#2 - Someone mentioned earlier that Yak Post or whatever is a starting in the change of scenery. Am I close to getting to see something else in this graphics engine?
Missions + Nolani Academy
#1 - XP and skill points, nothing else I can remember at least.
#2 - Yes, Yak's Bend is in the mountains. Here there be Dwarves!!!!
#2 - Yes, Yak's Bend is in the mountains. Here there be Dwarves!!!!
Am I close to Yak's Bend yet or that a ways off from Nolani Academy Mission?
Deadeye Dick
Yak's Bend is right after the Academy

Sweet... thanks guys!!