One thing that has always bothered me slightly, when you are chatting in "guild" chat and then proceed to another zone, why does it not STAY on "guild" chat? It always reverts to "all" chat, which can be embarassing at the least and can hurt your chances in pvp at most (I've seen countless people type something into the chat that was meant for guild-only). It's something that could be very easily fixed, and if someone doesnt have a guild, or gets booted out while on guild-chat? Easy, just set it up like you have "team" chat now; it will give you a message saying you don't have a guild, ect. There's no reason to blackout the guild tab when guildless; I don't see the team chat tab blacked out when i solo.
Second, this has been mentioned elsewhere before, why does your friends list not have a chat tab? Think about it; I have friends that are in other guilds, usually because they are not as active as I am, but they are still friends nonetheless. Whispering is completely ineffecient, especially when you are trying to work out a trade-deal with one guy, while 2 of your friends are whispering you. Note that this would also require the friend's list to be changed, so that in order to have someone on your friend list, you have to be on their list as well (mutual acceptance, it would work like a guild invitation, only with the friends list). Adding a new chat tab, maybe beside the guild tab, would help keep friends in contact, adding a reason to add them to the friends list in the first place. Would be especially helpful for missions like thunderhead keep, where finding a competent PUG is about as rare as finding the people you add to your friends list; why go through all that again, when you could just ask for help from all your friends at once?
While we are on the topic of the friends list, why not make the character's class(es) visible, next to their name? In fact, why not apply that to the guild list as well? It would be effortless to piece together a team with a system like that in place; heres an example-
Rough picture yes, but you get the idea. And of course this idea would NOT be applied to the ignored list, as they are ignored for a reason.
My final query would require a major update, so I wouldn't expect to see this anytime soon, but here goes. Why are certain classes so reliant on monks? My poor Ele and Mesmer are basically unable to heal themselves at all (aura of restoration and ether feast just don't cut it), while necros rely on stealing health form their opponents (nothing wrong with that really). The only classes that can truely survive without a monk grouped are warriors and rangers; their healing skills are adequate to solo things to an extent, but not comparable to a monk's healing spells. Each class should either have improved healing skills, or healing potions (yes, they are the cliche of most mmorpgs) should be made availible. Monk's would still be much welcomed, as they could save mega-bucks and their healing is superior, but it would help put a stop to the all channel being flooded with "GLF 2 monks".
With some of the recent updates that add on language support, skillbar enhancements and other non-crucial things that make the game better, these don't seem like too much to be asking (except the last one, that's a real tough one); consider my first suggestion as a bug report, as IMO it should have been fixed in the first week of release. Thanks for reading ;p
A few suggestions, mostly chat-related
Second, this has been mentioned elsewhere before, why does your friends list not have a chat tab? |
I mean.
Jack knows Paul and John.
But Paul doesnt know John. Why would Paul be interested in what I have to say to John?
Bout the self-healing, I believe elementalists have aura of restoration, and mesmer have something that they steal energy and get health for that right?
And don`t overestimate the healing power of a ranger pls, it is just a few sec of +1-10 health regen.
Originally Posted by Hakira
One thing that has always bothered me slightly, when you are chatting in "guild" chat and then proceed to another zone, why does it not STAY on "guild" chat? It always reverts to "all" chat, which can be embarassing at the least and can hurt your chances in pvp at most (I've seen countless people type something into the chat that was meant for guild-only). It's something that could be very easily fixed, and if someone doesnt have a guild, or gets booted out while on guild-chat? Easy, just set it up like you have "team" chat now; it will give you a message saying you don't have a guild, ect. There's no reason to blackout the guild tab when guildless; I don't see the team chat tab blacked out when i solo.
These button combinations exists for this purpouse.
It's not something that's very important.
And yes there is a reason to blackout the guild tab when guildless. It's a *guild* chat and you're *guildless* and its*GuildWars* not MSN.

Originally Posted by Hakira
Second, this has been mentioned elsewhere before, why does your friends list not have a chat tab? Think about it; I have friends that are in other guilds, usually because they are not as active as I am, but they are still friends nonetheless. Whispering is completely ineffecient, especially when you are trying to work out a trade-deal with one guy, while 2 of your friends are whispering you. Note that this would also require the friend's list to be changed, so that in order to have someone on your friend list, you have to be on their list as well (mutual acceptance, it would work like a guild invitation, only with the friends list). Adding a new chat tab, maybe beside the guild tab, would help keep friends in contact, adding a reason to add them to the friends list in the first place. Would be especially helpful for missions like thunderhead keep, where finding a competent PUG is about as rare as finding the people you add to your friends list; why go through all that again, when you could just ask for help from all your friends at once?
If you have many ppl whispering to you you can advise them that you are busy. If those frinds are from you guild or the same guild tell them to trade in chat.
*Really* You have to be adaptable no try and make the game adapt to you.
Originally Posted by Hakira
While we are on the topic of the friends list, why not make the character's class(es) visible, next to their name? In fact, why not apply that to the guild list as well? It would be effortless to piece together a team with a system like that in place; heres an example-
Rough picture yes, but you get the idea. And of course this idea would NOT be applied to the ignored list, as they are ignored for a reason. |

Originally Posted by Hakira
My final query would require a major update, so I wouldn't expect to see this anytime soon, but here goes. Why are certain classes so reliant on monks? My poor Ele and Mesmer are basically unable to heal themselves at all (aura of restoration and ether feast just don't cut it), while necros rely on stealing health form their opponents (nothing wrong with that really). The only classes that can truely survive without a monk grouped are warriors and rangers; their healing skills are adequate to solo things to an extent, but not comparable to a monk's healing spells. Each class should either have improved healing skills, or healing potions (yes, they are the cliche of most mmorpgs) should be made availible. Monk's would still be much welcomed, as they could save mega-bucks and their healing is superior, but it would help put a stop to the all channel being flooded with "GLF 2 monks".
What does Aura of restauration do?
You gain health =x% of energy cost every time you cast a spell .
If you think about it what do Mesmers do?
Energy stealing/denial, interupts and copying you ennemy
Can't you just copy a heal spell? Maybe steal energy and Insta-cast your second professions healing spell and or maybe interupt damage in the first place?
Sometimes I wonder if people notice that they have a *second* profession.

Originally Posted by Hakira
With some of the recent updates that add on language support, skillbar enhancements and other non-crucial things that make the game better, these don't seem like too much to be asking (except the last one, that's a real tough one); consider my first suggestion as a bug report, as IMO it should have been fixed in the first week of release. Thanks for reading ;p
I don't see why Anet would like to turn GuildWars into a interactive MSN alternative.
Originally Posted by kawaii_bat
Except for the showing the Proffession on guild menu(That was a good one!)...
Also, I suggested a while ago, that one's status such as Busy and Away ought to show up on the guild screen as well as the friends' list screen.
the chat sometimes does annoy me though...
for example, you press [i] for inventory screen. and then you decide to chat. you press [enter]. you start typing, and then you decide you don't want to say it and decide to cancel the chat. instead of being able to press escape and stop the chat immediately, when you press [esc], it closes the inventory screen before it stops the chat. so sometimes i would have more than one screen up and decide to stop chatting by pressing [esc], it would still be on chat and i would end up typing things like "wwwwrrr" and be like why aren't i moving???
so why not have [esc] close chat before it closes other screens?
and on that note, screens like the inventory and hero screens dissappear everytime you enter a new map. it would be nice if those screens could stay on when you enter new maps. i know its very simple and uneccessary because its really easy to just reopen the screens, but i still think its a nice idea and really easy to implement
for example, you press [i] for inventory screen. and then you decide to chat. you press [enter]. you start typing, and then you decide you don't want to say it and decide to cancel the chat. instead of being able to press escape and stop the chat immediately, when you press [esc], it closes the inventory screen before it stops the chat. so sometimes i would have more than one screen up and decide to stop chatting by pressing [esc], it would still be on chat and i would end up typing things like "wwwwrrr" and be like why aren't i moving???
so why not have [esc] close chat before it closes other screens?
and on that note, screens like the inventory and hero screens dissappear everytime you enter a new map. it would be nice if those screens could stay on when you enter new maps. i know its very simple and uneccessary because its really easy to just reopen the screens, but i still think its a nice idea and really easy to implement