Nasty GvG Matches.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

British Bulldogs [DOGS]

Jesus. My guild went down a few places to Rank 360 earlier today due to smurfs.

Now we go for our 4th GvG of the night, we come up against Team Union, Rank 1.

Rank 360 v Rank 1

We killed ONE of their people. One of their monks. They killed us and rushed and bet us in around 4-5 minutes.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

New Zealand

The Obsidian Kings


Atleast you stopped their Flawless



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Guided by Voices


Yeah...we have been getting KILLED by the matching system....



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

It kind of seems to depends some on the time of night you play. The past couple of nights in a row we have run into like 3 or 4 top 10-20 guilds in a row. Other times we'll get runs of 5or 6 unranked guilds.

Heretics Fork

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

It's amazing the "improvements" they've made since they reset the ladder. Impressive matching systems like this just show the "ahem" infinite wisdom of top notch developers making a good game even better. Much like every other MMO that went downhill after devs got patch happy.

Perishiko ReLLiK

Perishiko ReLLiK

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Divine Guardians of the Soul (Soul)


Yes, but would you rather wait endlessly?

Perhaps they should add an option for guild matching systems.

1. Fast, matches up normaly.
2. Slow, waits for up to 3 hours so that people don't complain about getting beat.

You may want to wait, and i think you should have the option to. Just because i like to have matches quickly doesn't mean everyone else does.

The chances of getting someone really close to your rank wanting to have a guild match at the same time doesn't seem very feasible.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Yeah, it's been really random for my guild too. We are at about 380, and we had a rank 2000 (won) and rank 120 (won) and then a rank 110 (lost) and then a rank 2800 (which we also lost, very embarassingly, due to experimenting with a different variation for our build. Not great). I'd rather wait longer to be sure of getting a guild within 100 of our rank, just to keep things fair.

Heretics Fork

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

The other thing to take into consideration, this game is losing it's luster. People that were once really pumped about it are also trying other games. Battlefield 2, City of Villans, and a few others look promising to gamers that want an online experience. I still like to play GW, but I'm looking at other games to try, myself. The guilds are still out there, but I don't think most are doing as much GvG as they used to.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

British Bulldogs [DOGS]

Yeah we made sure they didnt get a flawless :P

Yeah i know about them playing other games like Battlefield 2. Sucks.

Pik uR BuM

Pik uR BuM

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


The last Guild i was in, we got trashed hard in a GvG against a guild around the same rank as us... i think it was around 700.
no one was going for there monk while they were going after ours and they keep on healing...

omg that was an embrassing defeat, less then 10 mins



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

they need to implement a system of points for rank difference. if a high rank guild beats a low ranked the should not get many points in rating.

they should also let you choose a rating range of guilds you want to face and match up. you would be in control in who you face. while at the same time face other's close to your rating.

that way you only get good rating points if you beat a guild that's ranked higher than yourself.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Rangers Of Ranik [RoR]


doesnt each guild start off with the same amount of points? our guild got minced the other day because the people in the other guild, who had around the same amount of points as us, were all 4 levels above us...this isn't a complaint though it was still great fun!

Kais Unduli

Kais Unduli

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Room V

Our first GvG, we went unranked against a rank 82 guild. That's unacceptable.

I think the whole system is a bag of crap. You shouldn't match up against anyone that is not within, oh I don't know, let's say 20 (plus or minus) of your rating. If a suitable match can't be find, simply end the process there before a guild goes up against someone who overmatches them. The system should inform the requesting player that a suitable match could not be found. Retry or Cancel?



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Rangers Of Ranik [RoR]


thats what happened to us! well not exactly rank 82...but a high rank...

that's a good idea tho, but also Perishiko is right, it is just a quick match, I would prefer the Guild to be matched with someone who has the same amount of talent, but at the same time I would rather not wait 3 hours for it, thats where a retry/cancel thing would be good...and maybe matching you up with ranks instead of the i said i think everyone starts with the same amount...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2005



The first Gvg i ever did was against nO..



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Taunton, Mass.

the gvg system sucks. i thought it was fairer b4 the patched it up. guilds that are unranked can sometimes face the top 100, thats not really fair. they say they improved it by making the system take longe to help set up matches more fairly but that has yet to be seen. so we wait longer for what now seems like an unfair math-up.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

San Antonio, TX

Xen of Onslaught [XoO] -


My advice, just keep playing and if you lose to a top guild you only end up getting a very small amount of -rating. As you play enough matches you'll find where your guilds true rating is at. Take those losses versus the very best guilds as a learning experience, try to see what they did and why it worked.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

We Like Music [Loud]


Im the leader of a new guild and so far out of all our GvGs we havnt played anyone below rank 500, and we have only won one (i think they were trying out a new build) so our rating is now awful so now its impossible to get any new people in



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Berkeley, CA

I posted a thread on this topic not too long ago:

I had the same gripe as many of you, though learned a bit in the course of the thread that restored some of my perspective. Long story short: during the early portion of a ladder season, there are bound to be problems as the top teams are not yet very far away from the bottom teams in terms of their rating. It should sort itself out over time, and I've noticed it start to do that recently.