look i was thinking a full team of w/e's u no like kd/as but use fire instead
so far i thought of using flame burst/inferno and use warriors endurance and warriors cunning 2 regain ur energy along with bonnetis def
lately if anyone noticed that a bunch of people are using wards and slam packed together so they wont get hurt well with this bild u can just run up and just cast 2 skills and they are all if they are bunched together
the skills are
warriors endurance, heal sig, warriors cunning, pen blow, bonnetis, flame burst, inferno, res sig.
stats are
fire 10
axe 8
strength 14
tatics ne thing left over
gear is full gladiator with a dragon helm for +1 strength
u use any rune for more stength but i like minor more cuz not health loss and use a super vigor/absorption if u dotn got super use majors and jsut use a minor tatics and minor axe.
if you guys would like to add ne thing just comment would love 2 here your replys
new hoh build i thought of
wat my name is
I like it. It gets around building up adrenaline for earthshaker.
And the only thing I can think of it actually being "innately" countered by is a buncha trappers, with their 100 elemental AL and decent ranger healing skills.
Aside from that, it'd be nice. What would be funniest was if you had an order nec thrown in and people saw 7 w/e with an order nec and were incredibly confuzzled.
And the only thing I can think of it actually being "innately" countered by is a buncha trappers, with their 100 elemental AL and decent ranger healing skills.
Aside from that, it'd be nice. What would be funniest was if you had an order nec thrown in and people saw 7 w/e with an order nec and were incredibly confuzzled.
mortalis doleo
i would try to incorperate pheonix into the mix, but i like the idea...
wat my name is
ya but i thought of instead of using flame burst and stuff and incorperate crystal wave which at lv 12 does like 100 damage and ignores all armor then after the warriors cast cyclone axe adn its over
White Designs
Why don't you use casters to cast spells?