Attacking through bridges


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Is anyone else able to attack creatures below a bridge when standing on it? I was recently traveling thru Diessa lowlands and my friend was able to target the creatures below with tab and attack them with his melee weapon if he stood above them on the bridge. Not sure if this works with ranged weapons, but it was rather suprising because the charr sowrd guys started attacking us as we crossed the brige even tho they were way down there. Just wondering if it was just us or other people can do this too.

Troll Food

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

In my experience so far it seems like there are certain doodads you can shoot through and others you can't. Seems pretty random - there are some trees I can shoot through and others I can't, and there are some rocks/cliffs I can shoot through and others I can't. Never tried it with a melee weapon though.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

My Warrior Hench was attacking the Storm Riders below, even killing them, every time we passed the bridge from Nolani into Diessa.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I get really pissed when I'm on a bridge fighting a grawl, and there are a pair of ulodytes on the bottom that I can't reach. Of course, I get pissed at chain-healing monsters when I CAN reach them, so meh.

Witchfinder General

Witchfinder General

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

I love how people still say the game has no z-plane when you can occupy the space space only in different vertical positions... ignorance ftl.

And yes I have noticed this in the XXX plaza mission early on in post searing.