Looking to make my W/Mo20 an elite runner
I have a W/Mo20 with the Droknar's Ascalon set armor and I was just wondering what or where can I find the best armor? I mean like, the strongest armor with the most protection. And also, which skill trainer can I get "Charge!" from?
Charge is an Elite and u'll have to cap it in Perdition Rock... and u can get maxed stat armor at Droks
Yes, Drok's armor is the best defense-wise. All the other 15k armors are just for looks. You can cap Charge! in perdition rock, which is on the fire islands, outside of ember light camp. By the way, the run is harder than it looks, don't give up if you don't make it the first try, which is the most probable.
Thank you for the help/advice! Now to get to Perdition rock... >.<