Can i make a cape, or do i have to pay the 200g.... ?
if i can make it ..where ?
Can i make a cape ..or...
u have to be the leader in a guild and have 2000g to make it
not to create logo ...
to get a cape.... like the physical thing on your back
to get a cape.... like the physical thing on your back
Harvey Blade
Epyonwing is correct. To get a cape, "the physical thing on your back" as you put it, Your guild leader must take 2000 gold (2 platinum) to a guild registrar (pre-searing) or guild emblemer (post-searing). Then your guild leader will be able to design a cape to appear on all guild members.
Ahhh, so it shows up by itself... i get it , thanks
Sounds awesome. Is 2000g hard to come by?
Harvey Blade
I can be hard to get early on, but its not much by the time you've crossed the Shiverpeaks.