Financial problems as always...need help - profesional advice?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ok so my pc can run gw, but is too shit to do missions and farming trips like griffons e.t.c. so those ways of making money are automatically rulled out.
i go round my m8s house alot, and we play gw @ lan but im probably only at his one once or twice a week.
so what do i do?

my options:

Market items...which is boring but slowly makes money
Run to places for cash - when im round my m8's house, got a pretty good build for that..
farm in bad places and hope for the best...

also i duno what to buy first. the +15% axe (while enchanted) at droknars (for famring) or gladiators armour. and shall i bother buying the 15k armour? cause i aint rich at all...or shall i just make do with the original.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Hou Lan Geng [HLG]

If you plan to farm griffons, no need for the axe.
The most important thing for a smiting farmer wamo is the gladiator's armour.
I'd suggest you get that first.

And I don't understand.
You're complaining about not having enough money for basic stuff (like Droknar's glad's armour) and you want the 15k version?

And there's another thread already.
So what do you do for gold or something like that.

John Waffletord

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Baltimore, MD, USA

So your computer sucks and you can't do missions? Whats the point in playing?

Get a new computer.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

See that third planet from the sun?

Sacred Forge Knights


I like the irony of this thread.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Squiggilyville. Population: Me.

[oRly] Hello Kitty Death Squad


you dont need a war/mo in glad for smiting, all you need is a warrior in any armor, just wield a sword.

I farm griffons in glad armor yeah, but my energy isnt an issue.

I use all minor runes (major absorb vigor tho) platemail helm, glad armor all over, but knight boots.

I use a 15-22 dmg sword (+10 armor pen 8% chance) +26 HP mod. I use the +45 HP -2dmg (stance) 16 armor shield.

my attribs are 12 strength, 12 sword, 11 tactics.

I equip
-doylak sig
-deadly reposite
-gladiators stance
-shield stance
-bonetti's defence
-heal sig
-watch yourself

Its really very easy to farm griffons and minotaurs this way, takes time, but unless you get mega ultra mega super kitty with a bazooka wont die. you will be introuble if you get tanked and a sand devourer traps your feet. but i solo'd 4 minos and about 5 griffons all at once didnt die.

dont attack during bottetis, or else it ends, everytime u suffer a melee attack, you get energy (so platemail users really have no issues)
doylak sig is quick and gives you a nice armor boost, for a nice time. watch yourself, buffs it up a bit.

you can figure out the rest, its a very defensive build, i made it today, so far alot of decent drops and 15k made in the space of 2-3 hours.