Ranger Pet Melee Problem


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Wolverhampton, UK

Shattered Star Company

I'm guessing this isn't something most people run into, since the vast majority of people who play rangers use bows or traps, but I've come across a problem with my rangers pet when it comes to melee situations.

My ranger gets into a fight with a sword and cuts people to pieces. He doesn't use bows. He has a wolf as a pet and the two together are pretty good at taking things down. However, as they end up in close proximity when fighting the same monster, I've had a problem where once said monster has died I'll click on the next one to attack it and my ranger will just sit there. I've discovered moving off to the side slightly will fix it, so I'm guessing there's a problem with the pet blocking the way. Has anyone else come across this? It's extremely annoying to have to keep clicking away in the middle of a frenzied fight just to get to the next enemy.

And before anyone says "So don't go into melee, use bows you n00b" I'm well aware the ranger doesn't make the best melee character. That's just the roleplay I use for this character, and my decision to use melee combat is based on that and not on the typical "Whats the best build for power-gaming" reasons.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

I have a W/R and just liek the idea of running around with an animal sometimes, but yes it does get annoying as hell to have to constantly move because your pet will block your way.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


I too have a Ranger/Warrior and run into this problem.

My thing is why is the pet a blocking object? Why not make it like a PC that you can walk through? It not like your its master or anything sheesh.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Jul 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


The pet's ability to block things, while annoying when you're in melee beside one, is actually a very good thing at times. It allows you to body block your opponents via the pet. In PvP this is a way to annoy, or even pin, your enemies. In PvE, this is helpful in getting enemies to attack the pet. Often times if you can cause the enemies to become stuck on your pet, they'll switch to attacking the pet. Since the primary purpose of a pet in PvE is as a tank, its body blocking ability is incredibly useful.