Halloween anyone?
Myself, along with another Necromancer who had the same idea.
Questions. Comments. Concerns. Complaints?
Claire Wolf
Would be interesting to see 95% of the gw population in halloween colors marching about. I think just for halloween they should change each armor into something themed on halloween. It would be quite fun if you ask me. You could also have the option to enable it or not just for that day. I can just imagine some costumes, like a giant pink fuzzy bunny costume for male warriors.

Cool thing about Necros is that they dont have to Dress up for Halloween

Pass out non-merchantable orange and black dyes for all?

I love Cleo Shield(the other necro)
Scorpion Boy
im going as necro this halloween
Originally Posted by Scorpion Boy
im going as necro this halloween
Same, I'm gonna make a necro just for the occasion.
I'd like to fashion up some "real world" necro style gear to take the kids out this Halloween.
How would that look walking down the streets of Santa Barbara?
How would that look walking down the streets of Santa Barbara?
Sir Skullcrasher
I want candy for Halloween!
I ran into Cleo Shield tonight at Hells' Precipice, who I complemented on the armor. It was funny to see someone that I'd seen on the forum! Cleo is one great looking character.
Hey, thats me in the background! I buy things for ridiculously low prices...
What female necro armor looks the most awsome (for old hallows eave) I wonder...
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by Venus
What female necro armor looks the most awsome (for old hallows eave) I wonder...
15k bonelace, but this is just my opinion...
15k bonelace, but this is just my opinion...