All Bears are the same
Mr Safe
Yes they all do the maul attack if this has been posted im sorry :-/ anyways ill post screenshots and such when I get home but I warn you these also have break charm and they are near level 20-30 monsters ice imps frost wyrms and such . These are much eaiser to charm however the frost wyrm will pop from the ground when ur near the end so you need a buddy or a henchmen to help you out. I couldnt get a screenshot of the Frost Wyrm I died 2 fast it was lvl 28 and did 200 damage just coming out :'( BTW theres the imps travel in groups so BE VERY CAREFUL THEY DO 50-300 damage depending on how bad you piss them off. I used sprint to run past them but they cast slow so you better have your dodging skills and anti slow skills ready get in get out.