cant decide for the warrior.. hammer or sword
I dont know whats better a sword with 9-12 damage + shield with 7 defense or a hammer with 12-19 damage only?
Atm i use the sword but dont know whats better.
Atm i use the sword but dont know whats better.
Depends on your style, do you like lots of fast slashy slashy, or big whacky whacky?
They both have their points.
They both have their points.
I personally don't like hammers at all because they are two-handed. The effects of off-handed items are way too useful in my opinion to sacrifice them for a little bit more damage.
Personally, on my character I use an Axe. It's a nice compromise between sword and hammer, and Cyclone Axe and Penetrating Blow are very nifty
Personally, on my character I use an Axe. It's a nice compromise between sword and hammer, and Cyclone Axe and Penetrating Blow are very nifty

In pre-searing, I'd pick damage over bonus any day. My 2nd or 3rd hammer drop just happened to be a 7-10 dmg rune hammer (they really don't have runes in them, do they?) so needless to say my warrior is partying out with it. The flip side is casters loose so much if they run around with a 2 handed weapon as their energy deterimines their offensive/defensive abilities.
If you change your mind later, make sure it is in town and you have redistro points available
. Nothing is worse than having the wrong skill sets for your weapon of choice.
If you change your mind later, make sure it is in town and you have redistro points available

get sever artery, gash, and final thrust.
hit an enemy w/ final thrust when they r at half health and they are pwned.
get sever artery, gash, and final thrust.
hit an enemy w/ final thrust when they r at half health and they are pwned.
Rizzen Khalazar
Originally Posted by Argent
get sever artery, gash, and final thrust. hit an enemy w/ final thrust when they r at half health and they are pwned. |
Originally Posted by Arbalest
Depends on your style, do you like lots of fast slashy slashy, or big whacky whacky?
Yea, im definately a big whacker....

Post-Searing the hammer works better against the Stone Elementals. It may depend on your enemies....
Too bad you can't assign skill sets to function keys - switch to hammer weapon set, get the hammer skills, switch to sword weapon set, get sword skills, etc. I like the AXE myself - spin strike(?? something like that??), executioner's chop, and gash(?? rarely use it lol ??) are good strikes. However, the initial set of pre-searing skills encourage sword play.
Get Hammer, because no one else does almost. Makes you one of the special people

Vermilion Okeanos
Hammer skills are pratically useless if it use adrenline... without an attack speed up skill that is...
and with frenzy, hammer arent great either... thx to the double dmg + no shield... In my opinion, it is not something one should start with as RP character.
Even if I got the speed up, I would really prefer just use energy costing skills instead... more effective in damage dealing that way in my opinion.
and with frenzy, hammer arent great either... thx to the double dmg + no shield... In my opinion, it is not something one should start with as RP character.
Even if I got the speed up, I would really prefer just use energy costing skills instead... more effective in damage dealing that way in my opinion.
Originally Posted by Vermilion Okeanos
Hammer skills are pratically useless if it use adrenline... without an attack speed up skill that is...
and with frenzy, hammer arent great either... thx to the double dmg + no shield... In my opinion, it is not something one should start with as RP character. Even if I got the speed up, I would really prefer just use energy costing skills instead... more effective in damage dealing that way in my opinion. |
I went Sword, I like the skills that come with it
Dumb Quixote
I use sword mainly for the bleedout of sever artery + dmg combo from gash. It also works well with my necro skills of life siphon/vampiric touch.
sever artery and gash suck, especially fighting against necros that can put conditions on you which sand giants and moss scarabs do, final thrust comes from a quest and the only skills you should have to capture are elite skills of which final thrust is not, there are three skills to increase attack speed and gain adrenaline quicker: berserker stance, frenzy, and flurry all with their tradeoffs, read more about each in the skill listing, personally i wield a 15-22 dragon sword and the canthan targe i got with my best buy preorder, i dont have tactics boosted i have strength so the shield just gives me +30 health instead of 14 armor, the only attack skills i use are berserker stance, savage slash (which will interupt casters like a hammer's knockdown) and final thrust, my energy is up to 29 as a warrior primary so i heal myself and make good use of only those three attack skills, berserker stance isnt available until an outpost past droknars forge, so dont waste your time looking for it, get flurry first since it doesnt leave you open to double damage
I've been going between Hammer and Axe periodically, I stopped using the sword when I found out that sword drops that were worth a darn were slim to none, at least until later on in the game. Frenzy with hammers worked pretty well, hammer bash(the knockdown) is useful if you're good, but it wastes all your adrenaline and doesnt' give a damage boost. it's pretty much there to keep the enemy from healing/hexing. I find it a waste of skill space, because I can put 3-4 melee energy attacks in there plus my protective spells and ressurect and end up doing more damage for a longer period of time, and stay alive while doing it.
I'll have to choose option C, the Axe, because of the spin attack. It's the warrior's only defense against mobs, and works rather well if I say so.
I'll have to choose option C, the Axe, because of the spin attack. It's the warrior's only defense against mobs, and works rather well if I say so.
i found the coolest looking hammer in the game yesterday, its called a mursaat hammer, theres no special modifiers and its not a rare, but it does 18-34 (2nd best of the damage ranges) and looks cool as shit, it appears green in your inventory but when you equip it it actually looks purple, i bet it would look so stellar dyed black, but, alas, i use a sword, so if anyone decides to use a hammer and wants the coolest one private message me here, ive been asking for 3000g but would be willing to make a trade for a major or superior vigor rune and of course id throw in some cash for the rune too
People with hammers are weak in PvP if you ask me.
Originally Posted by Phantium
People with hammers are weak in PvP if you ask me.

Gamestop Pick > Swords
I remember getting the Charr-slaying hammer (11-17, +25 POINTS of dmg to Charr) as part of a quest reward or a collector's and just murdering the crap out of Charr mobs, which pretty much cemented me in the hammer camp until I forcibly switched to swords. Is it better? In my honest opinion, with straight warrior skills at high lvls, you aren't bringing the damage like an elementalist brings the damage. If you're not dishing out tons of damage in melee, you might as well use the knockdown and help out your team. The hammer skills have like 3 or 4 skills that lead to knockdown, and a few skills that add weakness and deep wound to those skills. I haven't tried out axes yet, so the word is still out on how useful those skills are...
Edit: I forgot that I didn't answer the original poster's question. The hammer sounds better than the sword at the moment.
Edit: I forgot that I didn't answer the original poster's question. The hammer sounds better than the sword at the moment.
Originally Posted by Phantium
People with hammers are weak in PvP if you ask me.
You didn't play any real PvP.
Do you want to knock people down, or just kill them faster? Pick one.
Originally Posted by Nash
Do you want to knock people down, or just kill them faster? Pick one.

as a warrior, i personally like more armor bonuses with a shield and a sword (now to get that flaming sword Prince Rurik has...), cuz then you have the chance of even more bonuses; good stuff on either the sword, shield, or both
lower attack, faster hits, more skills (so far...) and more armor w/ for me
lower attack, faster hits, more skills (so far...) and more armor w/ for me
Adacia Calla
Apparently no one has ever found an "Axe" before. Speed of a sword with the damage of a hammer. Win-win situation.