Does anywhere sell bags that hold more than 5 items?
To get a bag with 10 slots, you upgrade a 5-slot bag with a Rune of Holding, applied by double-clicking the rune, then clicking on the bag. You'll find Runes of Holding from later merchants.
u can only get bags that hold 5 items... but u can buy a Rune of Holding at the merchant to increase the bag to 10 items
and with the rune thats the most storage you can have?
(including xunli)
(including xunli)
Jaia Shadowless
A quick note in case you didn't know: you can't use a Rune of Holding on a belt pouch. They can only be used on bags. Just FYI.
Originally Posted by Jaia Shadowless
A quick note in case you didn't know: you can't use a Rune of Holding on a belt pouch. They can only be used on bags. Just FYI.
Originally Posted by n0fairzer0
^ (including xunli) |
Jaia Shadowless
Yep, just in case the OP wasn't aware.
Guardian of the Light
Total Amount you cna have on one account
65+65+65+65+20(storage)=ummm ge tthe culculater program yummm o 280
so if you see someone say I got 300 items you can the BS police
65+65+65+65+20(storage)=ummm ge tthe culculater program yummm o 280
so if you see someone say I got 300 items you can the BS police
well you can stack some items
and your math is wrong it's 45x4+20=200
all your PvE characters share the same storage account
and your math is wrong it's 45x4+20=200
all your PvE characters share the same storage account
Shattered Self
equippable: 1 (weapon) + 1 (offhand) + 5 (armor) = 7
bags: 20 (backpack) + 5 (beltpouch) + 10 (bag) + 10 (bag) = 45
per character: 52
total: 52*4 + 20 = 228
bags: 20 (backpack) + 5 (beltpouch) + 10 (bag) + 10 (bag) = 45
per character: 52
total: 52*4 + 20 = 228
where do you get the second 20 slot bag?
Shattered Self
There is no second 20-slot bag. You get a 20 slot backpack, a 5 slot belt pouch, two 10 slot bags, and your 20 slot storage account.
Omega Complex
Please note that all your characters share the same storage. And units of the same type, most notibly crafting materials, will stack up to 250 per slot, no more.