I understand that it give 1% Armor penetration by attribute point in it.
It also boost Strenght skills.
However, I haven't found, at least yet, that Armor penetration give a big advantage compare to point in Tactics that permit me to stay alive much longer with stances.
So unless you use a lots of strenght skills, is it preferable to put point in Tactics instead or spread them between both (and of course your weapon attribute) ?
Does strenght really give a damage dealing advantage ?
What the usefulness of Strenght ?
Rico Carridan
Well, short answer is no, it is not worthwhile to put points into strength exclusively for getting armor penetration (unless you have leftover points that you can't invest elsewhere!), especially since (correct me if I'm wrong) the strength bonus only applies to skills anyway, which makes it fairly unremarkable. On the other hand, particularly in PvP, most of your damage comes from skills anyway, so an extra bit of damage on that can't hurt. In fact, I would go so far as to say that, in PvP, most players generally don't use tactics at all, and invest heavily in strength for both the additional damage, and the fact that there are several excellent PvP skills available (IWAY, sprint, etc) that are commonly used. By contrast, tactics offers a very limited selection of useful skills for PvP, since defensive stances are not particularly useful in that venue. The only PvP tactics skills that are exceptional (for a warrior at least) are Fear me! and Shields up.
In PvE, or for running, I would probably split about 50/50 tactics and strength.
In PvE, or for running, I would probably split about 50/50 tactics and strength.