Is it me, or is there a distinct lact of focus on the game's namesake, the guilds?
I'm nearly to Kryta and I've really seen nothing for the guilds short of the registrar and emblemer. For those of us (like me) who aren't part of a migrating crowd of obsessive MMO players (which, really is where GW is targeted -- not the MMO crowed) who just move, as a group, guild ready-made, it's strange there are no 'ad walls' or whatever in the game for people to try to recruit/seek membership and otherwise form their own sub-communities.
Perhaps there's more of that later with "ascention", but finding one's little niche certainly could be helpful even at the lower levels, such as when trying to do Athea's Ashes quest or learn about the game.
"Guild" Wars?
The "Guild Wars" is what this game takes place shortly after (actualy the tutorial takes place during the Guild Wars). It's an event in the timeline of Tyria. And they influence a large part of the present day story.
I think it's pretty much up to us the players to put together guilds and discover the secrets to succeeding. Right now is kind of an interesting time, as the seasoned alpha/beta vets are waiting for all us release players to catch up. Eventually there will be a lOt of players at level 20 in the more advanced areas and in PvP, and the whole Guild aspect may just develop of it's own accord through trial and error. It's kinda nice that the developers left this somewhat open ended, as it allows the community itself to form the structure.
You may want to search through the Guild Auditorium if you'd like to find one, or are interested in starting one yourself. It all has to start somewhere, you know...
You may want to search through the Guild Auditorium if you'd like to find one, or are interested in starting one yourself. It all has to start somewhere, you know...

Originally Posted by Zai
The "Guild Wars" is what this game takes place shortly after (actualy the tutorial takes place during the Guild Wars). It's an event in the timeline of Tyria. And they influence a large part of the present day story.
Coudnt have said it better, the name is in reference to the war that weakend the three main kingdoms. Giving the charr a window of oppertunity that nearly destroyed all three in one huge invasion.
6 monk and ranger alt seeks mature guild. i play 6 to 10 ish eastern time week days and way too much on week ends. email [email protected]