So I tried my hand at PVP...

Rotgut The Unholy

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

All I have to say is, W/MO seems to be really overpowered, not only can they do comparable damage to any other class or more, they can self heal like crazy...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

Seeing from your post that youre new to pvp im guessing you must have been in arenas and went against a realyl crap team. for dmg, a w/mo is alright, but by no means overpowered. There are MANY other builds that are way more overpowered than a W/Mo, especially if it was the paladian premade. while good for giving you a taste of PVP, that premade is one of the worst available for a starting pvp char. any decent PVE axe W/R with tigers fury will tear that premade apart. not to mention any ranger with whirling/dryders/throw dirt shuts down any warrior. ele with ward against foes/harm can self aoe meteorstorm can effectively take out the warrior wiht little to no effort. any degen build will cancel out your self healing. and not to forget but most groups that pvp a lot, will not take the w/mo premade into their group



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Warriors are very powerful damage dealers, but they are also the easiest to shut down. Stances, blindness, attack weakening and slowing, snares and cripple, enchants like guardian and aegis and so on all weaken the warrior's offense. Wa/Mo can be quite dominant in the random arenas, as people don't tend to build to oppose them, but they are on par with other builds in other venues.

Rotgut The Unholy

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by MistressYichi
Seeing from your post that youre new to pvp im guessing you must have been in arenas and went against a realyl crap team. for dmg, a w/mo is alright, but by no means overpowered. There are MANY other builds that are way more overpowered than a W/Mo, especially if it was the paladian premade. while good for giving you a taste of PVP, that premade is one of the worst available for a starting pvp char. any decent PVE axe W/R with tigers fury will tear that premade apart. not to mention any ranger with whirling/dryders/throw dirt shuts down any warrior. ele with ward against foes/harm can self aoe meteorstorm can effectively take out the warrior wiht little to no effort. any degen build will cancel out your self healing. and not to forget but most groups that pvp a lot, will not take the w/mo premade into their group
Thank you for the reply and not flaming me, I am a bit newbish ;D

Maybe Ill stop whining untill I actually get to 20 and experience such other things for myself.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


i think you should be more worried about running into other more powerful warrior builds like a KD/AS or TF War. W/Mo would be destroyed by so many builds.

Im glad your first experience with PvP has not been a crappy experience. Some new players tend to be easily frustrated when beaten. Just keep playing and learn the game.

Lord Orihalcon

Lord Orihalcon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

London, UK

Dark Angels [DA]


I found W/E very good for PvP with my guild. Earthshaker + Aftershock works a treat. Offense, Offense, Offense is the way forward as far as i'm concerned when it comes to my warrior. I leave the healing up to monks, and energy regen up to the necro's. Works quite well for us.

Lord Orihalcon

Lord Orihalcon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

London, UK

Dark Angels [DA]


Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Warriors are very powerful damage dealers, but they are also the easiest to shut down. Stances, blindness, attack weakening and slowing, snares and cripple, enchants like guardian and aegis and so on all weaken the warrior's offense. Wa/Mo can be quite dominant in the random arenas, as people don't tend to build to oppose them, but they are on par with other builds in other venues.
Not to mention that Warriors get owned quickly by Mesmer shutdown builds. It's happened to me many a time.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




My Necro pwns warriors in the arenas, except for the good hammer guys sometimes.