What Time (Time Zone) Does Your Guild Play?
I am on PST and often it is hard to hook up with folks, especially when a lot of my guild is on EST. Anyway I was wondering what the percentage of guilds played in what time zones.
Hot Dead
I play on EST, the rest of my guildies play in any European/Asian time zone...but we play in american districts.
Marc Grahamsworth
Greenwich Mean Time +8
Well, I'm on EST. But most of my guild is on the west coast.
Perishiko ReLLiK
I'm in the PST with my guild playing primarily in EST.
Works out pretty good for us, since we schedule gvg meetings for certain times.
Works out pretty good for us, since we schedule gvg meetings for certain times.
GMT +1, holland, play in american server with only european players ^^
Hi Billiard,
Most of the players in my guild (about 80%) play on average from 10 pm until 6 am PST. Most of us are actually local friends as well. If you play around this time and want to hunt or something, let me know!
Most of the players in my guild (about 80%) play on average from 10 pm until 6 am PST. Most of us are actually local friends as well. If you play around this time and want to hunt or something, let me know!
Thanks for the info QJai. Mostly I PvP now and often need a person or two to fill out a team. I'll look for you in game.