I was thinking about getting fissure armor, but was wondering.... Does the fissure armor look different than regular 15k armor? When i looked at the list of things needed for fissure armor, all of the pieces for each different type of armor seemed to have a uniform look, meaning each different set of armor would look the same. Is this true?
And if so, does it look different than the other armors that are the same type, but not fissure? Example, regular non expensive gladiators armor vs. fissure gladiators armor. Do they look the same, or is the fissure look different.
Basically what im getting at throughout this long post is, I want to buy fissure gladiators armor, but not if it looks like the regular ugly gladiator armor.
Fissure Armor
All fissure armors for a class look the same. (IE for a warrior, Gladiator’s and Platemail Fissure would look the same).
Fissure is a different model than any of the 15k armors, although most people classify it as a 15k armor, because it does cost 15k.
Fissure is a different model than any of the 15k armors, although most people classify it as a 15k armor, because it does cost 15k.
Yes, Fissure armor looks different from 15k armor. However, armors for the same class look the same; for example, Fissure Platemail and Fissure Gladiator look the same. Here's a good gallery by eohjay:
thanks for the replies. That was the answer i was hoping for.