Winning HoH!
Commander Ryker
Our guild winning HoH for the first time.
Man, I still can't believe we even MADE it to hall, never mind win it.
Scorpion Boy
What was in the chest?
Congrats. winning HoH is awesome(done it before. still cant believe I won)
Trance Addict
Everyone using the "[Random character name] PVP" names should be shot. Same thing with "I [random character name] I"
Originally Posted by Trance Addict
Everyone using the "[Random character name] PVP" names should be shot. Same thing with "I [random character name] I"
Why? People on your friends list will know not to bug you or that you can't respond if you're on a pvp char. Easily indicated by the name.
Trance Addict
Everyone uses it. Well the PVP part isn't so bad, but the all caps + spaces and I .... I are very annoying.
Congrats, what do you get as a reward?
I saw that HoH notice while playing Congrats!
And yes, what was in the chest?
And yes, what was in the chest?
3 Rare Crystalline Swords
15-22 (req 7)
Damage +15% (while health is above 50%)
Health +30
and a 10/10 sundering.
Nothing else, was a little dissapointed..
(sarcasm is ftw :/)
15-22 (req 7)
Damage +15% (while health is above 50%)
Health +30
and a 10/10 sundering.
Nothing else, was a little dissapointed..
(sarcasm is ftw :/)
Looks like you went against IWAY, at least that's what it looks like. Congratulations!
Winning HoH is something I've yet to even come close to, let alone dream of achieving. Congrats that's something to be proud of.
Thanks everyone. In the chest ,to sate your curiosity, were a few sigils, a water wand, and a composite bow that I got (it stinks BTW). Yes, we did go up against an IWAY team, and also a rank.....150 something guild who had been holding the hall. And as for the PvP names, I agree with Toast.
Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by Scorpion Boy
Originally Posted by Bahumhat
Congrats. winning HoH is awesome(done it before. still cant believe I won)
I feel the same. Thrilled that we won, but still not believing it.
Divine Elemental
although i have a curse on me.. i once won hoh a cons of 9 and no sigils have i got no items i just have a freaking curse Anraeth
TIP: next time photoshop out your names and skillbar.
Just for you, and your builds sake. GG anyway derrtyboy69
Goodjob, always fun winnin for the first time. and you didnt use IWAY woooo!
very nice! congratulations on yor victory. i have only made it to the hall once and we got slaughtered within 4 minutes...
Divine Elemental
Originally Posted by derrtyboy69
Goodjob, always fun winnin for the first time. and you didnt use IWAY woooo!
Covering ur name.... still its in ur Name in ur profile ...
if u iwn hoh u get barraged by PM's no matter what that its annoying and yes for ur build cover it Anraeth
signet, did you mean to quote me?
BTW, thats why my profile names similar, but not entirely my real one. justinkim
ure build stolen!!!!!! rodgot FTW, constant burning FTW!!!! btw nice jump to hoh, con 3 wins? lol
as to y ppl put PVP or I name I as their name cuz when people remake character they might delete their pve char so having pvp or something else makes it easier, i know many ppl who have deleted pve char wit like tons of item and monk Divine Elemental
Originally Posted by justinkim
ure build stolen!!!!!! rodgot FTW, constant burning FTW!!!! btw nice jump to hoh, con 3 wins? lol
as to y ppl put PVP or I name I as their name cuz when people remake character they might delete their pve char so having pvp or something else makes it easier, i know many ppl who have deleted pve char wit like tons of item and monk So Harsh And Tyrant... So Idiotic In A Way and no anraeth and bout the guild thing ill stay guildless for awhile now Nick The Nicker
congratz man, I have yet won the hall came close though.....
lol signet of humility thats random, i always see u in ID 1 tombs im Ugly character here, and i my previous post, i was being sarcastic
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