Really small addition here,
Currently when you are selling an item for 90k and you have 20k on your person, the trading session simply cancels when you have both pressed acceptd, which is fine, but no error message is produced so stupid people like me dont notice what is wrong!
Help the stupid people!
Trading window issues [surplus of cash]
Yeah, a "Your inventory is full" or "You cannot hold this amount of gold" would be nice. "Trade cancelled" is just too generic.
Wish they would simply remove all of these limitations, it is really stupid to have to run back and forth,a nd to not "horde" gold, I mean does it really matter when people actually reach the current limit for platinum, not even sure off hand what it is but, are they stopping them from purchasing real estate? Just does not make sense to me to have any hold on it but something like 9999 bars of platinum and allow a person to carry that around.