Guildwars has been given a Halloween makeover
Scythe Cloud Formation in Lion's Arch
Evil Moon and Undertaker in Lion's Arch
Snarling Wolf Cloud Formation in Tombs
Leave the rest for you to sight-see and enoy!
Evil Moon and Undertaker in Lion's Arch
Snarling Wolf Cloud Formation in Tombs
Leave the rest for you to sight-see and enoy!
I know! They hid so much in the areas! It's so awsome! having a dance party in arch dis 11 right now!
Sergio Leone
In the middle is an udside down skull in Droks
Claire Wolf
Its SO NICE!!!
Its so awesome still staring at that moon in LA
Originally Posted by Bahumhat
Its so awesome still staring at that moon in LA
The one in tombs in better.
I think the moon is neat. the Sun.. freaky
A few more piccies...
Claire Wolf
I've got my costume ready too! -points to avatar-
I love ANET for this.
Best update ever.
I'm scared to see what christmas is gunna be like.
Best update ever.
I'm scared to see what christmas is gunna be like.
They did not do ascalon city! Im mad at Anet :|
Sentao Nugra
Originally Posted by Sarrow
They did not do ascalon city! Im mad at Anet :|
ascalon didnt need any redoing, it already suffered an apocalypse (sp?)
But I want more out of the ascalon barren land, With all the people who died there, I demand some vengeance!
Murder In China
Maybe mas graves in Ascalon city and zombies roaming around? Or those bugs that burrow into the ground that pops up whenever you approach a npc.
I just want to have a free for all in town.
No party making aloud, just random acts of murder!!
No party making aloud, just random acts of murder!!