Originally Posted by Raiin Maker
lmao try necro.
What's wrong with necro?
I manage to get into groups whenever I feel like pugging (which I admit, is very seldom).
I love to play with others, but sometimes their idiocy is too much to take, so I settle for henchies.
I just started my monk, and wow, now I know what kinda shit monks have to deal with.
Warriors would not wait and sprint off to wherever the hell they feel like going.
And I had the champion of all monks in my team once.
We had 3 monks in the team and I had no idea why (for the Borlis Pass mission).
Anyway, Borlis isn't the toughest of missions, so I thought any mismatched group could do it.
So I asked if everyone was healing, and one didn't reply, another said yeah.
So I went smiting, with orison and breeze as backup.
5 minutes into the mission, I realised I could forget about smiting anything except my own head as I had to be the main healer.
One monk was like Alesia only better:
1. She was using a sword.
2. She was using a shield.
3. She decided to tank everything that came along.
No less than 3 times I asked why she was using a sword + shield and didn't get any replies. Then I just told her not to use a sword + shield and still no reply. That monk didn't say a word the whole time, from making the team, to the end of the mission.
To top it all off, I'm a noob monk (and I even told the team this before we left) as its my first time, and I still have to babysit these pugs. Sheesh.
Wow, monks have it hard...not looking forward to the tougher missions when some sort of coordination is actually needed.