Where can I get a Sanctum Cay run?

Slade xTekno

Slade xTekno


Join Date: Apr 2005

Read or Die Stooge Forum


I'm new to this running stuff. I honestly don't want to go through all of PvE again, so where am I most likely to find a run to Sanctum Cay?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


Rarely seen in Beacon's Perch.

Sometimes in LA

Most of the runners hangs out in ToA.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Besides going to the etc forum and grabbing a running service to take you, you are best off doin g the run in spurts.

I find the easiest path (ie, consistently find runners) to be
Ascalon - Piken (free- 200g)
Piken - Yaks ('bout 1k i think i paid last time)
Yaks - Beacons perch (1-2k) (from here you could go straight to droknars for 2-3k)
Beacons to Lions Arch (500g-1k)
Arch - Bergen (500-1k)
Bergen - ToA (1-2k)
ToA - Sanctum ( a difficult run, i got one for 1k last time, which seemed cheap, expect more 2-3k i think).

The Purple Pants Guy

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by cagan
Ascalon - Piken (free- 200g)
My elementalist ran there at level 6.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Ascalon - Piken is VERY easy, once you get in the breach theres the archer who will guide you the safest route to piken, you have to fight .. maybe 6 char total, with henchies, easy.

Heaps of runners will do it for you for free, since its so easy and they don't like the idea of charging for such a basic run.

Of course, 100g isn't much to pay if thats the only offer you can see being spammed, and you don't feel like making the dash yourself.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Clouds

Scars Meadows [SMS]


I ran to Sanctum Cay all by my lonesome with my lvl 11 monk. BOOYA

Shattered Self

Shattered Self

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



I've heard some guilds now do Ascalon -> Ascension runs, they'll run you from Ascalon to Sanctum Cay, run Sanctum Cay for you, run you to all 3 Crystal Desert missions and run the missions as well (a 5 man team, which is why it's generally done by a guild).

Not many doing it, and it takes them a while, so you'd probably have a hard time finding them reliably, and it would be pretty pricey.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Brothers of the Jade

I was even making a video til freakin hurricane katrina, needed 1 more desert mission and then BOOM ascension. I had Thirsty and Dunes done. I was gunning for 5 hours play time from 1-20. sadly i stopped and decided to do a necro since I can achieve ascension with my buddies anytime i want.

We never charged ppl for power leveling, but for that we would have. Just how much to bill someone for a 5 hour power level to 20?