Collision detection needs SERIOUS WORK
I am sick of getting killed because my character gets stuck on a fellow teamate or gets pushed to the outside of a bridge railing. This is a serious and very frustrating problem. I personally think the devs should remove all collision detection against fellow teamates. There's no reason for me to be getting stuck while trying to move around a fellow teamate! That's just nonsense.
If the devs are watching, I hope they do something about this!
If the devs are watching, I hope they do something about this!
The Unknown Enemy
Hah, join the crowd. I get killed all the time in HoH because i get stuck on the IWAY warrior's pets -.- or other teammates. Along with that, the ghostly hero just LOVES to get stuck.
Agreed. The bridge thing is especially exasperating.
Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by guigod
... gets pushed to the outside of a bridge railing...
Fix it pls. I got killed so often at those stupid bridges. Running out of danger zone just to realize the game teleports you right back in the cage to the warrior following you. I dont think this is a lag issue. If its not a bug, then fix the maps, don make maps with stupid traps.... thats what rangers are for

Ashley Twig
My char got stuck this morning along with another player while doing the frost gate mission.
I went to pick up some gold that the engeneer droped on the balistica and got stuck.
I instantly used the /bug command and...
/sarcasm on
I am sure, first thing aNet will do is to fix this bug.
On the other hand, they're probably busy doing weired stuff for xmas to include into the game, so useability probably will be postponed.
/sarcasm off.
I went to pick up some gold that the engeneer droped on the balistica and got stuck.
I instantly used the /bug command and...
/sarcasm on
I am sure, first thing aNet will do is to fix this bug.
On the other hand, they're probably busy doing weired stuff for xmas to include into the game, so useability probably will be postponed.
/sarcasm off.
Man With No Name
I'll have to agree.
At best it's passable, at worst it's plain shoddy.
Getting stuck behind pets, teammates, spirits, bridges, objects, other off-target foes and player warping. And then to top it all off occasionally a player will sometimes get stuck underneath objects like bridges and stairwells.
These problems tend to hurt the Warrior class the most in PvP -- seeing as we have to be standing next to someone to connect.
This should be high on their fix list -- it'll likely require a large overhaul -- so I'm doubting whether it will ever be fixed
At best it's passable, at worst it's plain shoddy.
Getting stuck behind pets, teammates, spirits, bridges, objects, other off-target foes and player warping. And then to top it all off occasionally a player will sometimes get stuck underneath objects like bridges and stairwells.
These problems tend to hurt the Warrior class the most in PvP -- seeing as we have to be standing next to someone to connect.
This should be high on their fix list -- it'll likely require a large overhaul -- so I'm doubting whether it will ever be fixed

It greatly hampers the playing process, and at times can be very costly.
Fitz Rinley
I was targetting a grawl that walked into a rock. I fought and killed it inside the rock. I had to quit the game to get out of the rack. (Regent's Valley) I have targetted enemies to have other party members or henchies in the way so that I could not hit them. This did not prevent them from hitting any of us. I cannot walk through my pets, bridges, rock walls, trees, henchies, team mates, bushes to attack enemies - or even shoot arrows or cast a staff or wand. (Some spells work well around corners.) However, I have discovered that the enemy is capable of moving thru trees, walls, bridges, and shooting thru solid objects. The ranger class seems kind of cool, but I don't want the irritation of tripping over my pet and being stuck unable to get into a combat (or more importantly having to map out of a team during combat) because my pet has me trapped and won't move.
Fitz Rinley
Fitz Rinley
Kariston The Swift
Yea I was on the Altar map in Tombs and I got pushed into our own Ghostly and got stuck on his head rendering me useless since I was a W/R
/not signed
what if you want to make trap someone in somewhere, like while your in tombs if there's no collision with your teammates your not gonna know where to stop because you'll just go through them unless you go slow and the people who your trying to trap won't just stand around for you to get setup
the collision system has it's flaws but there's more and more runners into tombs then before, on the altar with the relics when you drop the relic if your trying to trap someone from res'ing there group how are you going to trap them if you go through your party members and not setup a wall
what if you want to make trap someone in somewhere, like while your in tombs if there's no collision with your teammates your not gonna know where to stop because you'll just go through them unless you go slow and the people who your trying to trap won't just stand around for you to get setup
the collision system has it's flaws but there's more and more runners into tombs then before, on the altar with the relics when you drop the relic if your trying to trap someone from res'ing there group how are you going to trap them if you go through your party members and not setup a wall
Shimus DarkRaven
Collision needs serious work. When I can walk through a mountain and not through a single post, or ledge, somethings quirky.
Ever notice, when you're running, the only thing that REALLY stops you on flat desert land are those GIGANTIC shrubs? I have. I notice this, and when I can't fiddle my way through/around a ledge because of a shrub, yet I can walk through boulders and down over ledges you really shouldn't be able too, needs work.
But with everything due to collision, it'll come in time, i'm sure.
My 2 cents.
--The Shim
Ever notice, when you're running, the only thing that REALLY stops you on flat desert land are those GIGANTIC shrubs? I have. I notice this, and when I can't fiddle my way through/around a ledge because of a shrub, yet I can walk through boulders and down over ledges you really shouldn't be able too, needs work.
But with everything due to collision, it'll come in time, i'm sure.
My 2 cents.
--The Shim
Collision detection sucks. I cant remember how many times i've walke into a corner, been followed by my pet, then been trapped between it and the walls.
not to metion getting caught behind a horde of friendly bone horrors surrounding an enemy.
It must end!!!
not to metion getting caught behind a horde of friendly bone horrors surrounding an enemy.
It must end!!!
Sentao Nugra
my problem with the collision detection is how it "jumps" you back. when you are walking past something, and go right next to it, you get pretty far past it and then teleport back. running, missions, arenas... it happens everywhere.
Zhou Feng
Thats right all my characters (except my pve one) are midgets. Cuts down a lot on Collision...
Well until Anet "tweaks" it that is
Thats right all my characters (except my pve one) are midgets. Cuts down a lot on Collision...
Well until Anet "tweaks" it that is