pretty good for a hoh pug
Senator Tom
build i came up with myself =)
the other team was all e/me and one r/mo
the ranger put down eoe so we killed him first, then we killed one or two of the eles and that seemed to kill everyone...the e/me health seemed to be really low
Supremacy Of Malice
just 1 consecutive win..
Hah tom is this what you guys were talking about on TS before I had to go, pretty nice job but wth did they do, all leave or just sucked that bad.
One and Two
Hey, let's be nice.
Good job.
About your blacked out skills...i'm worry you just edge bombed them. =/
Good job.
About your blacked out skills...i'm worry you just edge bombed them. =/
They got a flawless, it surely can't be an Edge Bomb unless they devoloped a secret method that would quickly become the next FotM
Senator Tom
yea its top secret see
Sagius Truthbarron
I know! 8 spiker edge bomb! Put down edge, everyone spikes one target each, one dies and the others lose health! It's genious!!11
This is one worthless post. Not sharing any information other than your own perceived greatness defeats the entire purpose of an information-sharing forum.