Rebirth Or Wad Rez For a Primary Healer Monk


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



Hi I WOuld Like to know if rebirth is a good choice of rez for a primary monk healer

Rico Carridan

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Eternal Comrades


I personally believe that primary monks should not carry any res spells, since, if you're spending time ressing in battle, then you aren't spending time healing. In PvE, since everyone is a moron and expects that the monk will bring res, rebirth is usually a decent choice since if someone ends up dying in a really bad spot, you can get them out safely. Never use rebirth in PvP.


Shimus DarkRaven

Shimus DarkRaven

Desert Nomad

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Titusville, PA <nowhere>

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I agree with rico on one level: Time spent rezzing means time not spent healing.
Although this is a common problem, I feel a healing primary monk should ALWAYS carry some form a rez spell. I like rebirth for the simple fact it pulls the dead to you, forcing you not to worry about un-needed aggro. One slot used for a rez still leaves 7 slots for healing/smiting or whatever else you may be second classed with.

There ya go, and remember, this is still a game, try to have some fun with it =)
<AKA: Experiment!> It can't hurt to try spells out and readjust points <because now there is no attribute refunding to worry about. Explore many different builds if you feel this way, but if you want to stick with healer primary, always, IMHO, carry a rez, even in PVP <Even if the time spent is "Dead time"> Because in PVP a rez can turn the tides of the battle.

<Aside: To those protector monks, I feel the same way, at least one slot for a rez, it's always handy in a bind when people start freaking out.>

Remember to keep a cool head and you'll go far. =)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005




Shimus DarkRaven

Shimus DarkRaven

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Titusville, PA <nowhere>

KOD <Knights of the Dragonrose><Guild Officer>


Originally Posted by Stormwindz
My pleasure, my friend.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Shimus DarkRaven
IMHO, carry a rez, even in PVP <Even if the time spent is "Dead time"> Because in PVP a rez can turn the tides of the battle.
Maybe in Arenas, but I can't see why anywhere else. In most organized PvP people target the Monks fairly early. Resses are best left to other members of the team.




Join Date: Aug 2005

Hong Kong



Do NOT bring Rebirth if you are a Monk primary, or if you are a caster, or if you use Energy for any use.
It drains all of your mana, I believe.

nicky nightmare

nicky nightmare

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

between a rock and a hard place......

Miendrak'el Myrth (MeM

Originally Posted by LightningHell
It drains all of your mana, I believe.
that it does... that is why i dont like it..... when you use it you lose all energy that could be put to use healing or protecting instead of resing..... imo monks dont have enough energy anyway and rebirth is just a waste.....



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


In PvE you can use restorelife which it is attributed to healing rebirh is attributesd to protection prayers and you can use a Res skill in PvE nothing wrong with it.In PvP in the random arenas you want to use the res signet instead and in Tomps don't use a res skill leave it up to the Warriors to do the Ressing as they can carry a res skill.This of course os the W/Mo.In PvE I always use restorelife.In beta we did use res skills but it was different in PvP.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


I think monks should (in PvE) always carry a rez.
Also secondary monks should take the rezz. So that your party is not dependent on some signets.

nicky nightmare

nicky nightmare

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

between a rock and a hard place......

Miendrak'el Myrth (MeM

i agree with medion. in pve a monk be it primary or secondary should always have a res on em in case one of your teammates does go down...

mortalis doleo

mortalis doleo

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

my house

The Cutting Edge [TCE]


imo, in pvp monks should bring res signet.

its a fast res that brings the target to full health.

there should only be one or two people with hard resses, and those should probably be restore life...



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

The only place I would suggest bringing rebirth, is on the fire island missions using henchmen, getting through the seals is a LOT easier with rebirth, but other than that I would bring the normal res.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

A PVP monk is better off not bringing any res spell. You simply are not going to be able to spend time ressing when you should be healing to make a difference in most situations. That's a slot you're giving up to gimp your team. Other teammates can handle ressing.

In PVE Rebirth is all you need. There is no situation where you, the monk, should be ressing in the middle of battle. If need be, retreat and rebirth until your team is back up. The only exception to this is a fast cast Restore Life from a Me/Mo whom can afford to res in the middle of battle without detriment to the rest of the team.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Originally Posted by AeroLion
A PVP monk is better off not bringing any res spell. You simply are not going to be able to spend time ressing when you should be healing to make a difference in most situations. That's a slot you're giving up to gimp your team. Other teammates can handle ressing.

In PVE Rebirth is all you need. There is no situation where you, the monk, should be ressing in the middle of battle. If need be, retreat and rebirth until your team is back up. The only exception to this is a fast cast Restore Life from a Me/Mo whom can afford to res in the middle of battle without detriment to the rest of the team.
it all depend on what you are doing if healing restorelife is better as it bring about 50% of your life back and then heal.If you use rebirth it only bring you back with have your skills shut down that is the draw back wiith rebirth in a battle you wait till it is over and then res that person.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

No, not really. Rebirth at 0 Prot is inconsequential. People will be ressed and you can wait. The question is why do you need to be ressing in the middle of battle?

nicky nightmare

nicky nightmare

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

between a rock and a hard place......

Miendrak'el Myrth (MeM

if your the last person standing and getting chased down the least you can do is stop and res the strongest member of your team..... thats what i always try to do with my sig unless i used it on the monk already....



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Rebrith sucks, I hate it, it's terrible. People should not be ressurecting people when battling. You should ressurect "after" you're done fighting. So then it comes down to Restore Life or Rebirth. Rebirth makes all you're skills recharge, low health, no energy. It sucks. If you carry Word of Healing+Restore Life, it's amazing. Hit Restore Life, then quickly use Word of Healing to get his life at max with enough energy and all his skills to good use. That's the best combo for rezzing an ally IMO. Either way, Restore Life FTW.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA


Yes, basically what everyone else has said

pvp = Ressurection Signet, Ressurect, Restore Life

pve = All of them


(for me anyway)




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

Resurrecting in battle is simply a poor idea to start with unless your party can handle the healing loss, so it comes down to, which skill has the most utility for the circumstances. In which case, you need to consider PvE or PvP. In PvE, there is absolutely no contest as to which you should use. Rebirth acts as a tractor which can save you a great deal of hassle, safely dragging a player out of harm's way. Restore life actually requires you to get literally on top of the person to cast, not to mention its having a huge cast time.

If you're done battling, there's really no use in having all your skills immediately avaiable to you upon resurrection. As a matter of fact, what happens if you're dead in a pile of immotile enemies? The only thing that can possibly help you then is Rebirth.

In PvP it's generally not a good idea to bring a long cast-time resurrect such as restore life, or a skill that drains you of all your mp, such as rebirth. The wisest thing to do then is to bring a Resurrection Signet, or a short(er) casting spell with full benefits such as Vengeance.

Regardless, Restore Life is simply a 'no' for Monks in most scenarios. Have a Mesmer bring resurrect and use that to resurrect if things are tough during battle. Otherwise, Rebirth is the way to go for PvE, and Res Signet/Vengeance are 'ok' choices in PvP, although most of the time, I prefer to simply use healing skills to avert death.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005


jsut a quick question about the rez signet. Isn't it a once off use and if your in PvP, wouldn't that mean it's redudant after 1 use?

on the side note, i've changed to monk secondary to get rebirth so that if our main monk die, i'd rather spent the time ress'ing him/her then adding damage to the battle as the battle would be a gauranteed lost without someone healing. Also i reckon having constantly ressing other memebers in battle allows a better chance to fight as it wont be always partial of your team fighting. At least there'll always be someone ressing.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

SoF Victrix [SoF]

Originally Posted by Chobby
jsut a quick question about the rez signet. Isn't it a once off use and if your in PvP, wouldn't that mean it's redudant after 1 use?

on the side note, i've changed to monk secondary to get rebirth so that if our main monk die, i'd rather spent the time ress'ing him/her then adding damage to the battle as the battle would be a gauranteed lost without someone healing. Also i reckon having constantly ressing other memebers in battle allows a better chance to fight as it wont be always partial of your team fighting. At least there'll always be someone ressing.
Res sig recharges with each morale boost. In PvP, you get morale boosts from controlling flag stands, killing the other team's Ghostly Hero, etc. It's not uncommon to use a res sig multiple times during one PvP match. In PvE, you get morale boosts from killing bosses, taking out a Summit Engineer, etc.

With that said, it is my very firm belief that, except in special circumstances (e.g., fast-casting Me/Mo in a minions build), PvP monks should not bring a res of any sort. Even with a sig, which is a relatively fast casting res, three seconds of your monk not healing could easily lead to team members who could have been saved dropping from a lack of healing.