I thought it would be a good Idea to start a thread with suggestions of types and req for them. Im sure some of the ones that came to mind for me have been brought up elsewhere but anywho..
Flail/whip req beast mastery
Off hand chair

leash /off hand.
cudgel , club
Chew toy /off hand ( tm KONG) hehe could be a lil rag doll.
dog brush /off hand
net /off hand
anything you can think of?
maybe something for other classes as well
snowball for water req off hand
fire ( yea just a handfull of fire aka a fireball) off hand
some wizard hats for helms instead of the forehead "press on" gem.
folding fan off hand
top hats, fedoras etc for helms instead of the "not very vain masks"
POLE ARMS!!!!!!! increase damage a bit more than axes and they use the same skillset as axes or swords minus the shield. aka you have pontenial to do more damage but your going to take more as well.
for pve only add the hire mercs option for tactics req aka much like summoning you can call for mercenaries to aid your party with a drain on your gold while theyre in party , make it like rez sig only one use per mission with a time limit. make the money draw quite high.
increase the duration on summoned life...
skull off hand req soul reaping
add an option to gather stuff such as mergoyle skulls, half-eaten masses etc etc and take them to the weapon crafter to create a random stat item