Strength over Tactics? why?!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Communistwealth of Virginia



Originally Posted by Yukito Kunisaki
I too am very disappointed in the fact that strength shields are nigh impossible for me to find. I've NEVER found a max armor strength shield both during game and while farming. All the tactics shields are around, but str shields seem ONLY to exist in either green items [which I don't have time to harvest due to being a husband and a working man] and miniscule farming. [barely 25mins a day...]

This is a VERY bad issue that Anet needs to solve. Where the hell can one find a simple 7-9 strength 16 armor shield easily?

I've found like 30 9 tactics 16 armor shields but NO FREAKIN' STRENGTH BASED SHIELD!!!
Buy Thorgall's Shield off someone. 16AL, 9 str, -2 enchanted, quick recovery from weakness. It's the cheapest of the green shields out there. I've seen it selling for between 5 and 10 plat usually. It's what I use, and works for me.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


it's also supply and demand.

tactics shields are abundant all throughout the game. almost every single shield you get is tactics based. there are only a few strength req shields, which are:

eternal shield - uw
shadow shield - fow
magma shield - ring of fire
defender/tower shield

considering that 3 of them can only be acquired in the high level areas, it also makes it harder to find good ones. most people probably already have a good tactics shield and are just looking to add a strength shield for their strength based builds.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Newport News Va

Unknown Warriors of Ascalon


I use Tactics based skills more than any other but I think it would be nice to focus my skill points in some of my ranger skills rather than having to split them between strength and tactics as well as swordsmanship

right now i'm maxed on swordsmanship & tactics and i'm at i think 8 on strength which leaves me nothing for any other skills


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


my very short answer....

PvE = tactics
PvP = strength

EOL ^_^




Join Date: Oct 2005




gladiators Defense/doylak signet
bonnettis/balanced stance
cyclone axe(5 energy)
axe twist/axe rake(adrenal)
sprint/balthazars sprit
symbol of wrath/Aura/smite hex/
vital bleesing/mending
vigorus spirit/ live vicariously

Sundering axe of defence 10 axe mastery +15% damage, +10 armor penatration
thorgalls shield 16al 9 strg -2 damaged recieved quick recover y from weakness
8 protection
8 smitting
10 strg minor rune
10 axe mastery major rune
7 tactics minor rune

Have ran this build successfully in pvp, but only because mine team rocks!!! It has alot to do with your players on your team. Strength is key here!!! and team work.. Love to chase down the monks and casters, wreak havoc when i rush in with 850+ health, hit a stance, wrath, they run and i hunt them down relentessly axe rake or twist which is adrenal, they stand on chance unless thers some interupts thrown at me then my day has come to an abruot end!!
Usually though while sprinting in they mistake me for there team at first, everything happenig so fast that they sometimes dont see me runnin in till its to late..
