What happened to the Charr? Spoilers
Has anybody else wondered this? At first the game focuses on the Charr as being the greatest threat. But as the game progresses, that veiw shifts to other groups and it seems everyone forgot about the Charr. Is this going to change in future chapters?
There's a mission that involves the Charr, but doesn't really focus on them, near the end of the game. Pretty much, from the time your party leaves Ascalon to the end of the game's storyline, Adelbern and the Charr were deadlocked in battle.
Well they leave that loose end presumibly for chapter 2, just like any movie that plans to make a sequel.
Guardian of the Light
Ya but want I WOULD LOVE is to see is a group of power evil world destoyers (like the Burning Legion from W3) attack all (ummmm....whats this palce called trayia?) and all the races Humans, Charr, Dwarfs, and other ittelligente life have to unite to defeat them. That would be so cool
Something like that could be interesting, but I just don't think it'd work in the Guild Wars world. I doubt the Ascalons would ever forget the Charr and the Searing long enough for even a shaky truce, no matter what was at stake.
Uh, not to mention that was already the storyline for the charr. Remember, krytans and ascalonians were trying to make a truce to fight their common enemy (charr).
One and Two
There was a storyline? All I remember is follow Rurik, boom, new Ascalon. Follow Rurik, Boom, Rurik dead. then it happens again and again. Mantle, Glint, Lich, all dead after you follow their directions. =/
Glint isn't dead. Even if you kill her, she still talks to you for the final missions, so she didn't die. Res sig FTW.
The Charr are a bunch of sissies with fleas, I hope they're dead and I don't hope to fight them again in the future. Honestly they're walking around with swords and axes that are smaller than a single one of their hands.

Fenix Swiftblade
Anyone take a good look at the statue the charr built in front of Nolani? Look familiar?
Herr Hong
The Titan Quests have high level Charr enemies.
But... Player Race in Chapter 2 anyone? Charr Fire Caller playable for everyone.
*this is a joke, not a suggestion or a rumor*
But... Player Race in Chapter 2 anyone? Charr Fire Caller playable for everyone.
I think that statue infront of Nolani is that of the charr fire gods aka the Titans.
Might mean something, maybe the charr planned all the events so that their "gods" would be released. Who knows but I doubt its a coincidence.
Might mean something, maybe the charr planned all the events so that their "gods" would be released. Who knows but I doubt its a coincidence.
with regards to res sigs, how come no one bothered to res rurik when he died?
oh wait. he's a dork. oh well
oh wait. he's a dork. oh well
Rurik had a mullet nobody wants to res a redneck
Sister Rosette
Hey! As a residentiation of'n the midwestified areas I take a fence to that!
Mullets aren't all "that" bad. I mean look at the mullet man from Scuzz..he's famous...well sorta
Anyway , I think were going WAY off topic here.
The Charr are evil masterminds that planned everything in order to get the lich to release their "gods".
Fear the fluffy doggies!
Anyway , I think were going WAY off topic here.
The Charr are evil masterminds that planned everything in order to get the lich to release their "gods".
Fear the fluffy doggies!
Originally Posted by Ironsword
Rurik had a mullet nobody wants to res a redneck

im all for making fun of rurik but pick your battles
Sister Rosette
Originally Posted by BBoy_Manchild
im all for making fun of rurik but pick your battles
I just noticed something.
Everyone knows Rurik isn't the brightest when it comes to picking a fight but..is it me or does the same thing happen with 80% of all warriors?
I'm telling ya everyone might hate Rurik's guts but I bet most warriors think just like him.
[Quote] Your overwhelming numbers don't frighten me! [Quote]
Everyone knows Rurik isn't the brightest when it comes to picking a fight but..is it me or does the same thing happen with 80% of all warriors?
I'm telling ya everyone might hate Rurik's guts but I bet most warriors think just like him.
[Quote] Your overwhelming numbers don't frighten me! [Quote]
Sister Rosette
No no, you're right. It's more common than you'd think.
The worst one ever for me happened last night in Hell's Precipice:
W/Mo: "I'm using Sever Artery on Burning Titan!"
Me: "They don't have skin you idiot!"
W/Mo: "I'm using Gash on Burning Titan!"
Me: *Leaves*
The worst one ever for me happened last night in Hell's Precipice:
W/Mo: "I'm using Sever Artery on Burning Titan!"
Me: "They don't have skin you idiot!"
W/Mo: "I'm using Gash on Burning Titan!"
Me: *Leaves*
Some things without skin can bleed...for example an enemy Ghostly Heroes bleeds.....meowzers!
Also...clue me in...how does a ghost (already dead) die again? 0.o
He's a witch!
Also...clue me in...how does a ghost (already dead) die again? 0.o
He's a witch!
Sister Rosette
Well he got better...
Malachi The Fallen
Some things without skin can bleed...for example an enemy Ghostly Heroes bleeds.....meowzers! |

So, a ghost that was already dead, can die, be animated, then die again.
The suggestion that the charr are intelligent and have a master plan is slightly
I mean, i'm not a racist but these guys are animals with some of them fluffier than others.
To me, they look like a puppet race that someone else might use and manipulate
for his master plan. Sort of like orcs and Sauron in LOTR.
Someone we haven't seen yet. Someone that's back at the place where the charr came from. They are invaders to Tyria don't forget and that means they came from somewhere else.
Probably we will visit that place in chapter 2?
I mean, i'm not a racist but these guys are animals with some of them fluffier than others.
To me, they look like a puppet race that someone else might use and manipulate
for his master plan. Sort of like orcs and Sauron in LOTR.
Someone we haven't seen yet. Someone that's back at the place where the charr came from. They are invaders to Tyria don't forget and that means they came from somewhere else.
Probably we will visit that place in chapter 2?
chimps are hairy animals and are intelligent, you should pick your battles too
it's the communists controlling the Charr they're to blame
What are you about man?!
If they are a puppet race it only means that some really bad things are going to happen. Lets face it this way. Charr invade Ascalon in name of their "gods".
Those "gods" look alot like the titans, yet the lich controlled them up until he got killed. So far the Titans are still on Tyria and so are the charr. Which means that if they are all puppets, who the hell are controlling.
And what happend to the scepter of orr?
I think I have the answer, since after the searing a certain person has fanished.
That person as we all know is pure evil...and extremly irritating.
That person is non other than GWEN!
I bet in chapter 2 we'll see her as an evil queen controlling the charr which at that point will be wearing red capes.
If they are a puppet race it only means that some really bad things are going to happen. Lets face it this way. Charr invade Ascalon in name of their "gods".
Those "gods" look alot like the titans, yet the lich controlled them up until he got killed. So far the Titans are still on Tyria and so are the charr. Which means that if they are all puppets, who the hell are controlling.
And what happend to the scepter of orr?
I think I have the answer, since after the searing a certain person has fanished.
That person as we all know is pure evil...and extremly irritating.
That person is non other than GWEN!
I bet in chapter 2 we'll see her as an evil queen controlling the charr which at that point will be wearing red capes.
I think it is ruriks father and rurik is a dragon
A dragon?
WTH!? How is he a dragon? The king is human so if Rurik is a dragon hes a half dragon. The only other dragon in the game is Glint....oh my...the King and Glint...
WTH!? How is he a dragon? The king is human so if Rurik is a dragon hes a half dragon. The only other dragon in the game is Glint....oh my...the King and Glint...

That last statement is just sick lol ;''The only other dragon in the game is Glint....oh my...the King and Glint...''
And i dont know tbh. I hope the charr somehow get a role in the next chapter though.
And i dont know tbh. I hope the charr somehow get a role in the next chapter though.
Well so do I. The story with the charr ended with no conclusion.
I for one hope that they make such an appearance as to be remembered by all of Tyria.
I for one hope that they make such an appearance as to be remembered by all of Tyria.
BTW you goto Cantha in the next chapter, there are loads of hints to that, such as the animal tamer, trader who sells you the guild hall and the canthan ambassador in Lion's Arch.
hahaha, king Adelburne and Glint... thats McNasty!
the word mcnasty is mcnasty, lets all say mcnasty and make corporate america happy
I think the general question of the topic has been answered to the best of our knowledge, and anything more is speculation at this point. Closing this thread before it veers any more wildly off-topic