01 Nov 2005 at 03:21 - 35
Scenery+Graphical changes: A+
Excellent, loved every bit of it. The mood of the setting was great, and everything looked awesome. Particularly nice that they took the time to dress up the NPC's as well.
Suggestions for improvements
None. Everything was gorgeous, as usual. Great job Anet.
Halloween event implementation: C-
Meh, I despised waiting, unknowing, for the mad king. I sat there for a little over 2 hours waiting for him, and the only reason I knew to expect any general times at all was because of other players.
On my second RP char, I missed a pumpkin helmet because I was out hunting, and when I got there, I was just a teensy smidge too late.
Did you really want people checking in to Lion's Arch every 15-25 minutes to see if the event was on, and if they were missing anything? Not everyone has reliable sources of accurate information.
The event itself was fun at first, but even the first time through, it didn't take too long to get boring. Singling out players for Paper, Rock, Scissors, was an interesting idea, sure to be exciting for those players just to have the spotlight on them, but having had it myself... It was rather boring. Just the same as other emote games.
And then, when it was NOT my turn, it was even more boring. I could never track down the person that was chosen, and that was most likely the main reason I just couldn't connect with it.
I would rather it have been another general game for everyone, instead of eating up about 1/4th-1/3rd of the time.
Suggestions for improvement;
Make such interactive events more frequent, or stick a schedule on the website. As mysterious and in-role as it may seem leaving the info out, it alienates the less-informed crowd, and particularly annoys those of us who don't have the time or desire to stand around waiting for something that MIGHT happen for literally hours.
And/or realm-wide announcement, like the, "So and so has won the HoH", but more noticeable, once every few minutes about 10-15 minutes before the events would have been nice.
As for the Pumpkin Crown reward itself, making it auto-customized was a good idea. However, I think making it a customized item for a single character was rather poor.
I would have liked to see the character get the Pumpkin Crown in their inventory AND an account-wide unlock, like the pre-order items, so that people could have them for their future RP chars, and in the rare event something happens and they lose it. (Happened with the pre-order items, bound to do the same with these). Like the pre-orders, someone who somehow lost theirs could then type /halloween or some such command to get it back.
I've got one on 2 of my RP chars, and am AFK on my third in LA waiting for the Mad King again. Might even go to sleep AFK in LA if he doesn't come before I go to bed, since you don't have to actually do anything for the crown. (Which, by the way, a lot of people were doing towards the end of the day. 60% or so of the people I saw in LA died every single time, except for during Mad King Says, because they AFK'd just for the pumpkin helmet)
Overall, I give it a C+. You took a holiday potentially fun event, prettied everything up, but also managed to make it a boring grind much like Mining in the last game I played: Go somewhere, click, and AFK to get the item you want. What made it fun the first time through was the novelty, and if that's all it had going for it, then it can't have been very good.
But, a C+ is slightly better than average, you did put forth a lot of effort into the graphics, and it was fun for most of the first time through. Even if all future events were of similar quality, while they could be far better, I can't say I regret having waited for this event.
Edit: Was going off of the content of the first post, which didn't really emphasize the pumpkin crowns, if you're wondering why most of this isn't about pumpkins.