Any guilds looking to consolodate?

Axl Spinesplitter

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005


Raven Haven


As the title says, my guild, Raven Haven, has been going through some rough times. As an officer, I've came to the conclusion that consolodating with another small guild or two would be for our best interest. I think it would be fitting to share our history with any prospecting guilds interested in consolodation.

Raven Haven has been an active guild since the launch of Guild Wars, and was actually concieved before the game was even released (it was originally started by fans of the Armored Core series.) During our span, we've had some great runs at the ladder. Up until the ladder reset on October 1st, we were consistantly ranked in between 200 and 300. Our highest seat on the ladder was 129 in early September when we defeated the Dopelgangers (then ranked 67.)

At the time, we had a 15 man PvP/GvG rotation with some awesome support players. We're experienced with a variety of builds. We love switching it up, so if you'd like to join up with us, chances are, we'll have similar experience. Our guild does possess the "usual" guild must-haves: cape, hall, forums, Ventrilo Server etc.

But like I said earlier, RH has went through some extremely tough times. On the eve of the ladder reset, our former guild leader, 4 of our former officers (I'm the only current officer, along with the guild leader), and three of our support playres, decided to guild hop. Once our leader left, the domino effect began. These players jumped to the Hi-Tech Rednecks, Final Dentistry, and a few other elite guilds in the GW community. There is NO bad blood between us. We realize that it was done simply for a change of scenery.

As of today, RH houses 8 daily active players with MONTHS of PvP/GvG experience (I,for example, have been playing since BETA testing,) and a slew of semi-active players. We are all still very active with Team Arenas and the occasional Tombs run with some of our Ventrilo buddies. Due to lack of active members, we are currently not ranked, but we are more then dedicated to returning to top form, and would love to have you join us as we make our way back to the top.

If you would like more information or would like to set up a time to discuss consolodating guilds with myself or our guild leader, feel free to send me an in-game message, character names Igor Bonegnasher, Its All Calypso, Axl Spinesplitter or Heart Like A Gun. You can also send me a PM on the GWG site, or send me an e-mail at [email protected] Thank you for your time.

Joey (Axl)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


We Are The Samuria Pizza Cats


Hi I have sent you a PM, you can find me on any of the following in game names if you wish to discuss it further

PvP: Elegant Killer
PvE: Ahriman the monk, Imorthorn Midnight and Immortal Midnight



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Canada, eh?

Legion Of Valhalla


I have also sent you a PM, you can reach me at the contact information included in it.

John TrickKnee

John TrickKnee

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Ohio (The Bucknaked State)

Village Idiot Priests (VIP)
