it was awsome I was just at the mad kings last showing about 10 mins ago and idk if it was lag or bugged or what
but on the mad king says part he said "mad king says flex".....
everybody flexes.......
everybody in the circle dies except for 1 warrior and 1 necro
mad king owned
Your lucky you got everyone in a cicle, in La district 14 everyone just clumpped up together in a ball! 
I'm a medium size character so I couldn't even see myself jumping up in the air.
I'm a medium size character so I couldn't even see myself jumping up in the air.
Reason I stood (in Dis60) with my little monk a bit in the back so I could see my monk do the emotes.
Though because of the lag some died while they did what was asked.
Though because of the lag some died while they did what was asked.
Please help us keep Riverside neat, and post in one of the other numerous Mad King threads.

Please help us keep Riverside neat, and post in one of the other numerous Mad King threads.